Activism Alert! Parent Wants Help!

Originally posted by prostock19
AllisonJoy has better english than me. Know why?? Her Grandparents gave her LOTS of books to read when she was a lil girl. I think books help alot with english. Look at me, I am hearing and didn't read alot of books....LOL
wheeee ~ I just simply love to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
Originally posted by ShEiLdTaLiSmAn
i agree just above me.

Only thing u can actually learn is to have somebody helping u with english and reading books in early age. :D

*Look at allisonjoy* Thanks for the goosebump. :winks: u know what i mean
lolol omggg.. the goosebumps club. ahh that's defintely the old days. gotta miss them ;)
if you do. It'll still be in English, actually more like Broken English
Um....So? Most languages if you literaly translate them into English they come out all weird and Broken Englishy....methinks you've been hanging out at DumbOnline too much and Mr. IHate EverythingAbout DeafCultureandIWanttoBeaHearie (aka Jake O' Donnell) has started to rub off on you.
Originally posted by Liza
I had a similar "education" to lilred's where learning proper English is concerned.

But I had nobody telling me to read books or watch captions on TV. I kinda forced myself to learn all of this stuff on my own.. hell, learning SEE doesn't help - I know, because that sure didn't improve my classmates' English. They still struggle to this day. I never learned good English through oralism, or to speak English properly. I'm a strong ASL user.

Using the basis of my experience, I would say that it depends on the individual's determination and willingness to learn something new. I read Jean M. Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear at 12, and have always been a bookworm all of my life. Books, books.... I'd give up chocolate just for a good book!

Consider this for a moment: Could it be the low self esteem that impairs an individual's willingness to learn a 2nd language? There's always something else, huh?

I'll say this once or twice: PARENTS and/or guardians need to get actively involved with their children either deaf or hearing where education is concerned. Worked well for lilred, huh?? ;)

Like Liza says, SEE doesn't really help... I also have classmates who use SEE, and still write in ASL. *How this happens, I have no idea.* When I was in the 6th grade, I read Watership Down, a book that my english IV teacher recommends for our class. At 14, I was reading The Odyssey (sp?) basically, like Liza, I'm a bookworm! :-D I agree with Liza about an individual's determination and willingness to learn something new's affecting their learning the english language.
Originally posted by deafdyke
Yeah....and? Other languages have weird syntax and grammer that isn't even RELATED to English ( Swedish, Russian, Native American languages, as well as countless others) and people learn English by having a strong base in those languages!

I agree, that by learning other languages, it DOES help to improve your English. When I started to learn German and French, I realised a lot of similar words in English and it really improved my English vocabulary.

Also, in my high school German classes, the teacher spoke in English. So teaching German by speaking English sounds wrong, but it is a comparison to teaching English by signing in ASL. You explain the language in the students' native language and it is easier to understand. That's what I believe.
Originally posted by deafdyke
Um....So? Most languages if you literaly translate them into English they come out all weird and Broken Englishy....methinks you've been hanging out at DumbOnline too much and Mr. IHate EverythingAbout DeafCultureandIWanttoBeaHearie (aka Jake O' Donnell) has started to rub off on you.


The Vocabulary of ASL is nothing in comparison to the language of English. Heck, most of the other languages has way more words in their language in comparison to ASL too as well!

I know facts.

Still, French is both a spoken and written language, same goes for the other languages.

ASL is just a visual language and is intended to be used for communication.

If you think ASL is so much better, why aren't you typing in ASL?

Oh right... you can't because it can't be written in ASL!

Besides, Deaf Culture was created purely for political reasons, not ethical reasons in 1988.

That is a dead-on fact!
Originally posted by Banjo

Besides, Deaf Culture was created purely for political reasons, not ethical reasons in 1988.

That is a dead-on fact!

Who cares if it was developped recently or not, maybe hearing ppl refused to recognise it until now and put deaf ppl into institutions and schools for the deaf. Only within the past 30 years have the hearing ppl started to integrate deafies into public schools and so on. You should be happy that you were born now, instead of 50 years ago, or you would be in a school for the deaf, god forbid.
Originally posted by deafdyke
A chance to perhaps influence a parent to choose both ASL and English! (instead of making her child go through the limitations of oralism)
Just thought I'd give you all a heads up here so you can maybe head over to the site and give advice to this mother!
I would do it myself but apparently in order to register, you must first have a pay-fer e-mail addy,(like over at DumbOnline) and I only have a Yahoo! addy! They won't let me register!

Pez, deafgrrl, where'smyhearingaid blah blah.. now deafdyke...

you already signed up with DOL anyway.. you are Pez but you acted as deafgrrl anyway.. . so use your deafgrrl addy to register there!! pfftt!

by the way this link should work!

the link you posted, you removed the "-" in the url...
Boult, I am Pez yes...but I am not Deafgrrrl. I know her as we attend college together. If I was Deafgrrl I would register and post at the site. I'm not so I can't.
Banjo, Deaf culture has been around A LOT longer then 1988! I remember learning all about ASL and Deaf Culture when I was in preschool through Girl Scouts ( '82- '85) You're thinking about Deaf Rights(activism movement)/ Deaf Pride movement which isn't the same as Deaf Culture. Deaf culture has been around ever since ASD was founded! God, my dad's cousin went to Clarke back in the '50's and 60's and she experianced Deaf Culture!
Oh, and I am not arguing for ASL only. I'm just saying that I think that all deaf and HOH kids should be exposed to both English and ASL! There's no reason why deaf and Hoh kids can't learn both languages. As a matter of fact I know two deaf/hoh kids who started out with sign and also had speech therapy to learn to speak. They are now both fluent in both English and ASL.
I wouldn't be surprised if research found that kids who speak and Sign have the best oppertunties and chances, sort of like the way blind people who are literate in Braille have very high employment rates and oppertunties. However that research probaly will never be substanied b/c of the powerful oralist lobby (which is busy making tons of money off of deaf and hoh kids) Probaly the only reason why ASL isn't seen as a valid thing is b/c there's no way for hearing people to make gobs of money on it!!!!
lilred, you rule! :D and you are only 17?! wow, you really have a strong foundation to build on.. i would not be surprised if you got something planned out for yourself and then succeed at it. I certainly hope being a grammar nazi isn't your only goal! ;)

I remember the day I read that book and I noticed how the word "bore" was used (Mary bore a child, that sorta thing)... I used that word the next day, and my teacher was flabbergasted over that... I was in 1st grade, heh ;) That really was a pivotal moment for me, and the rest is history :P So I know this is linked to self esteem.. and not to mention exposure either!

I really like the idea of ASL being a visual language... if it's to be written down, at least make it visual like Chinese. Broken English is not exactly a big market out there...

And I'd like to see sources as well.