Activism Alert! Parent Wants Help!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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A chance to perhaps influence a parent to choose both ASL and English! (instead of making her child go through the limitations of oralism)
Just thought I'd give you all a heads up here so you can maybe head over to the site and give advice to this mother!
I would do it myself but apparently in order to register, you must first have a pay-fer e-mail addy,(like over at DumbOnline) and I only have a Yahoo! addy! They won't let me register!
Originally posted by deafdyke
A chance to perhaps influence a parent to choose both ASL and English! (instead of making her child go through the limitations of oralism)
Just thought I'd give you all a heads up here so you can maybe head over to the site and give advice to this mother!
I would do it myself but apparently in order to register, you must first have a pay-fer e-mail addy,(like over at DumbOnline) and I only have a Yahoo! addy! They won't let me register!
Can you check the link...I can't access it.
if you want your child to have proper english with more sentences and better grammar, then English Language is the best choice
Originally posted by Steel
if you want your child to have proper english with more sentences and better grammar, then English Language is the best choice
AllisonJoy has better english than me. Know why?? Her Grandparents gave her LOTS of books to read when she was a lil girl. I think books help alot with english. Look at me, I am hearing and didn't read alot of books....LOL
if you want your child to have proper english with more sentences and better grammar, then English Language is the best choice
That is NOT true!!!!!!! Even most oral deaf people have low reading levels!
i agree just above me.

Only thing u can actually learn is to have somebody helping u with english and reading books in early age. :D

*Look at allisonjoy* Thanks for the goosebump. :winks: u know what i mean
Originally posted by deafdyke
That is NOT true!!!!!!! Even most oral deaf people have low reading levels!

Hey Dyke, how is it false?

What are you saying..?.?.that learning to read isnt easier learning english over asl or see.

It makes sense to me that if you want to learn to read than its easier if you are already learning english language.
there arent to many asl books out there at the book store.
I do have problem reading level, but I do proud to be a deaf don't matter who am I? I can do better read everyday. that's what I do :D
Growing up, even when I was hearing, whenever I wanted to watch television, my mother would force me to watch it with captions, the volume turned to mute. I was always a book worm when I was younger so I think that contributes to my reading level and my english.
If the parents want their children to be literate, they should go with English.

That includes SEE since it is a form of English.

ASL can't be used to teach English due to the missing elements of the language.
Originally posted by Banjo
If the parents want their children to be literate, they should go with English.

That includes SEE since it is a form of English.

ASL can't be used to teach English due to the missing elements of the language.

Damn, I cant believe that I actually have to agree with you on this one. :o
I have done alot of reading and have made bad typos in my life i know that for sure, but reading in itself shows that reading isn t the only thing, writing also does help too, practicing the spelling and the form of the lanaguague(Sp) ( just woke up) As long as the writing AND READING is the nbr one best way to learn how to communicate.
I had a similar "education" to lilred's where learning proper English is concerned.

But I had nobody telling me to read books or watch captions on TV. I kinda forced myself to learn all of this stuff on my own.. hell, learning SEE doesn't help - I know, because that sure didn't improve my classmates' English. They still struggle to this day. I never learned good English through oralism, or to speak English properly. I'm a strong ASL user.

Using the basis of my experience, I would say that it depends on the individual's determination and willingness to learn something new. I read Jean M. Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear at 12, and have always been a bookworm all of my life. Books, books.... I'd give up chocolate just for a good book!

Consider this for a moment: Could it be the low self esteem that impairs an individual's willingness to learn a 2nd language? There's always something else, huh?

I'll say this once or twice: PARENTS and/or guardians need to get actively involved with their children either deaf or hearing where education is concerned. Worked well for lilred, huh?? ;)
It makes sense to me that if you want to learn to read than its easier if you are already learning english language.
One would think so, but apparently the reading levels of oral deaf people are just as bad as those of signing deaf people.
There are some good oral deaf readers (just as there are some good Deaf-deaf readers) but for the most part the average reading level of any deafie is 4th grade. I remember about a week or so ago, I posted on a BB and someone who I thought was Deaf replied.....turns out that he was oral deaf (went to CID)
Besides what's wrong with going with a bilingal approach? Why does it have to be an either or option?
Banjo, if ASL can't be used to learn English, then how do you explain the high literacy rate at Learning Center for Deaf Children? (a school which employs the bi-bi method)
Originally posted by deafdyke
Banjo, if ASL can't be used to learn English, then how do you explain the high literacy rate at Learning Center for Deaf Children? (a school which employs the bi-bi method)

Sorry, but I don't know where the Learning Centre for Deaf Children is. You have to cite the sources on the facts too as well.

How high is the "literacy" rate?

The reason why ASL can't be used to teach English, why?

Simply, because it lacks many of the conventions of English grammer.

FACT: ASL is a visual language, nothing more! It can't be written down onto the paper, if you do. It'll still be in English, actually more like Broken English.

I do communicate with deaf people in ASL, but is it my primary language?


English is my primary language because it's the most useful tool you can have in your life.
I read alot of books but somehow I lost interest when I was in elementary school wtih parents cuz some parents may be real pushing u to do real GOOD can happen to some kids like me but i managed to do good without finishin homework let me say that i finish half done homework and turn in and it sometimes piss some teachers off I wud say hey better than gettin a ZERO for the day :laugh2:
Simply, because it lacks many of the conventions of English grammer.

FACT: ASL is a visual language, nothing more! It can't be written down onto the paper, if you do. It'll still be in English, actually more like Broken English
Yeah....and? Other languages have weird syntax and grammer that isn't even RELATED to English ( Swedish, Russian, Native American languages, as well as countless others) and people learn English by having a strong base in those languages!