
hey ya all. I got activated last friday and I'm happy to report that everything is doing pretty well. Abbie, I know exactly what you are talking about when you said everything sounds so different. When I first hear my audiologist speak, she sounded like she was speaking throught a thin pipe.
I think we have the same implant and same processor so maybe that's why the sound we hear are similar.

With my new CI everything sounds so "crispy". I can definitely hear more crispy sounds like typing, keys juggling, car blinkers, water. I can't really understand anything that people are saying and I am also having trouble hearing cars and heavy construction equipments and trains going by near my house. But smaller sounds like mouse clicks and breathing are very notiable. I heard for the first time that a dog panting last night. I can also hear my blackberry going off when i set it on vibrate and also hear the clicks of the weels when I use it.

I have my second mapping on Wednesday. Hopefully I'll be able to hear more with the new map..

Oh by the way. Abbie, do you have trouble with the t-mic keep falling off from your processor? I notice that the t-mic is really fragile as it keep disconnects from my processor.

Just wait until your second mapping Kalboy, the static sound of cars and trucks going by will start to sound like cars and trucks. The first week was just robotic. My second mapping made things sound so much better, not perfect but I am picking up more things. I just played a guessing game of numbers online and I got 9 out of 10 right.

I don't have a problem with my T-mic falling off. When you put it on sideways there should be a slight snap sound and then you rotate up. It stays on pretty good. Also, there should be a little orange ring on your processor, where you slip the T-Mic on, it serves as a washer to prevent slipping. I wonder if you are missing it. If you are, then contact your Audi to say that you are missing it off your processor. Perhaps switch to your back up in the meantime.

Do you have any details of your mapping?
Haha, Contradicta, about the asparagus. Now you will be able to pick out which is fresh amongst the wimpies. Lol...
Just wait until your second mapping Kalboy, the static sound of cars and trucks going by will start to sound like cars and trucks. The first week was just robotic. My second mapping made things sound so much better, not perfect but I am picking up more things. I just played a guessing game of numbers online and I got 9 out of 10 right.

I don't have a problem with my T-mic falling off. When you put it on sideways there should be a slight snap sound and then you rotate up. It stays on pretty good. Also, there should be a little orange ring on your processor, where you slip the T-Mic on, it serves as a washer to prevent slipping. I wonder if you are missing it. If you are, then contact your Audi to say that you are missing it off your processor. Perhaps switch to your back up in the meantime.

Do you have any details of your mapping?

Thanks Abbie. I totally didn't realize I'm supposed to put the tmic on the side ways and then twist it into position. I don't have much detail about my mapping but my second appointment is tomorrow. I can't wait! =)
Abbie great to hear the mapping made such a great improvement.
My t-mic simply, or any ear piece snaps in place straight up and down then give it a tug to be sure it is locked in. to remove, rotate to about 90 and should pop off. Did have a problem once, I tend to twist it when I put the processor on, to clear my ear and the twist it back once it is on, forgot to twist it back, and the t-mic did pop off.

If you hear it click, isn't that great?
Second mapping :)

I have arrived with the juicy technical specifications of my second mapping! Jennifer my audi was impressed in the range that I was hearing. I took the advice of experienced cochlear implanter's and kept a written journal of what I can/cannot hear.

My volumes levels have increased from 157 to 282 across all electrodes. Right off the top of my head, this is a 55% increase in volume.

My base program is HiRes-P with Fidelity 120, IDR of 60 with extended lows and a gain in high frequency. My audio mix is 50/50 Mic/Aux.

My noise program is HiRes-P with Fidelity 120, IDR of 45 with an audio mix of 50/50 Mic/Aux.

My music program is HiRes-P with Fidelity 120, IDR of 80 with an audio mix of 30/70 Mic/Aux.

My battery life is impressive. I slap the magnet on around 7:30am and take it off around 10:30-11:00pm. The next day with the same battery, it last about 4:30pm. That is roughly 24 hours.

Lucky me, I am the first one that has reported this particular type of problem. Apparently when certain high frequency sounds occur, my processor cuts off for a few seconds. I noticed that when my work phone rings (ringer is set at high) it cuts my processor off. I put the volume of the ringer to low and it resolved the issue. I have to keep an ear out (literally) on what sounds causes it to cut out.

I had some pretty cool moments today. Try this one on for size. Today was a beautiful Tuesday afternoon at my sunny little cubicle. The sun was shining brightly with a gentle breeze blowing through the windows. All of the sudden, I heard a strange whirring sound. I focused for a couple second before I gave up and asked the boss what the sound was. Do you know what she said? A HELICOPTER!! I jumped up and practically turned upside down trying to find the helicopter. If I had Spiderman tricks up my sleeve, I would have been. Just a week ago, I had one fifty feet right on top of me and I could not hear it. I must have been grinning like a mule eating briars the rest of the day.

Shortly after that, I heard an alarm bell of some sort. One of my coworkers said that it was the fire alarm. I accepted that answer for about 30 seconds. Then it sounded like it was a fire department siren. I proceeded to drill the poor child by asking her if it was a fire truck or the fire department siren.

“Fire department.” She says.

Now last week, I could not even hear a fire truck with sirens on right in front of me. Damn Skippy, I’m on a roll!

Shortly after that (they comes in three’s) I was gathering my things to high tail it out of work when I heard this, beep, beep, beep. I recognized it straight away. It was a truck going in reverse, so I heard the back up beeping.

That was my afternoon! I am so happy that I was twitting my thumbs at a greyhound speed. Now there is a little matter of this morning moments. I heard this loud static rumbling sound. I turned to look outside and I did not see anything. Shortly afterwards, a garbage truck came up to empty the dumpster. Ta-dah!

I was doing some practice with numbers online this morning. This particular practice is a multiple choice of numbers. You play the sound file and then pick your choice. I had to play the sound several times to make sure. I got 9 out of 10 correct!

On the way to work this morning, I noticed that music was coming in a little better. Nowhere near perfect but I noticed that some parts of the song are coming in clearer. On top of that, I can hear the radio at work. I can distinguish whether it is a commercial with a male or female DJ or a song.

Voices are starting to sound different to me, as if their real voice is starting to poke through,. There is your proof that my neurons are firing all over the place trying to make sense of this organized chaos that is being sent to them. :)

I am so happy I can do the cabbage patch dance. :wiggle:
Thanks Abbie. I totally didn't realize I'm supposed to put the tmic on the side ways and then twist it into position. I don't have much detail about my mapping but my second appointment is tomorrow. I can't wait! =)

I discovered the trick when I changed from my direct connect and I noticed it didn't have a tight lock on it. So I put it on sideways and then rotated it up and it seemed to do the trick! I'm glad that problem is solved! :) I'm going to be on pins and needles waiting for your update. This second mapping was a dire improvement. I was :ugh3: but now i'm :thumb:

I'm having way too much fun with these smilies here.
What a great report Contradica! I could sort of tell that you were sort of :ugh3: before the new map (you just sounded so "uhm this is interesting!"):giggle: but having been there I was sure that it would get better for you. You'll find that with every change it just sounds better and more natural. So glad you heard the helicopter again and even better that it was a bit further away.

I hope they can resolve the problem with the processor cutting off when there are high frequency sounds. Is the audie going to research it?

I tried listening to another childrens' audio book last night with just the new CI switched on. I had used the same CD with the first implant. I found that I could hear the talking pretty well so I decided to close the book and follow it by myself without the words. I was able to get most of the words of all three stories. Now, I'm pretty familiar with the stories so that must have helped.

I'm getting about 2.5 - 3 days battery life from each processor (3 batteries changed in one session). I really notice now how frequently I'm changing the batteries with two processors! I bulk buy mine with a friend who also has 2 CIs.

I've just called the insurance broker to arrange for damage, theft and loss coverage for the extra speech processor.

Sorry too much detail! LOL!
Thanks Abbie. I totally didn't realize I'm supposed to put the tmic on the side ways and then twist it into position. I don't have much detail about my mapping but my second appointment is tomorrow. I can't wait! =)

Good luck! :)

A bit late, baut congrats on your hookup.
SOme journey you are making!

I'm back from my second mapping. With a difference! I am now hearing sooo much better. On my way back to my office I stopped by at taco bell to get my lunch. I can hear clearly everything the counter girl was asking me. It was 10 times better than my hearing aids. I can't wait for my next mapping session (a month from now).
I'm back from my second mapping. With a difference! I am now hearing sooo much better. On my way back to my office I stopped by at taco bell to get my lunch. I can hear clearly everything the counter girl was asking me. It was 10 times better than my hearing aids. I can't wait for my next mapping session (a month from now).

I'm back from my second mapping. With a difference! I am now hearing sooo much better. On my way back to my office I stopped by at taco bell to get my lunch. I can hear clearly everything the counter girl was asking me. It was 10 times better than my hearing aids. I can't wait for my next mapping session (a month from now).

Great! Sounds like you are on a roll too.
I'm back from my second mapping. With a difference! I am now hearing sooo much better. On my way back to my office I stopped by at taco bell to get my lunch. I can hear clearly everything the counter girl was asking me. It was 10 times better than my hearing aids. I can't wait for my next mapping session (a month from now).

:h5: That is GREAT!!! You are doing wonderfully!! You totally surpassed me :) I'm not at that point yet of hearing speech clearly. Although I had a little moment this afternoon. I went to the library with a mission of going right to the book I wanted. On my way there, I hear over the loudspeaker, someone name, "Please go to the circulation desk." They said it three times and by the third time I was positively sure that is what they said. That was the first time I ever heard anything over a loud speaker. I was pleasantly surprised :)
What a cool moment Contradica - it does sound to me as if you are beginning to get speech.

By the way when is your next map?
What a cool moment Contradica - it does sound to me as if you are beginning to get speech.

By the way when is your next map?

It was totally unexpected!! I'm practicing with online games for kids with numbers and colors. I have to listen a couple times before I get the gist.

My next mapping is on October 9th.

Can I ask you if this is normal? On Monday when I got mapped, I came home listening to the radio, and I was able to tell between a commercial and a song, and if it was a male and female dj. Yesterday and today, all it sounds like is static. Did my brain adjust that quickly?

How are things going for my fine in stereo friend? :)
It was totally unexpected!! I'm practicing with online games for kids with numbers and colors. I have to listen a couple times before I get the gist.

My next mapping is on October 9th.

Can I ask you if this is normal? On Monday when I got mapped, I came home listening to the radio, and I was able to tell between a commercial and a song, and if it was a male and female dj. Yesterday and today, all it sounds like is static. Did my brain adjust that quickly?

How are things going for my fine in stereo friend? :)

Would you mind giving me the link to the online games? My daughter really loves those games as we have it on DVD (Dora the Explorer).

Hmmm I'm not too sure about your brain adjustment question though. I never experienced voice quality regression after a mapping in that way, except when I had the volume turned down one time. I did find that it took about 2 days for the changes to my map to completely filter through, but it would either just sound roughly the same or improve. So maybe it will improve tomorrow? Have you checked the speech processor to see if any of the setting is a bit off? Is the magnet on securely? Does all sounds occur as static or just voices?
Would you mind giving me the link to the online games? My daughter really loves those games as we have it on DVD (Dora the Explorer).

Here is a list of some of them that I was able to find. I have some more on my favorites list at work which come Monday morning I will put on here too. I hate when you can't remember how you found something! :slap:

Alphabet Antics Kids Zone Learn English - British Council
Free interactive educational games, learning my abc's, my alphabet, my numbers, how to tell time - Kids Center Punctuation Paintball Game - Online Multimedia Educational Games for Kids in Preschool, Kindergarten, and Elementary Grades
Online Learning Games from Fisher-Price – For Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers
Funschool - Amazing Animals - Preschool Online Games and Coloring Pages
Kids Games & TV Shows | Activity Finder for Parents & Preschoolers | Just For Kids | Dora | Blues Clues | Nick Jr
Simple English Grammar
ESL Links - Learning English.
Fun and Games
--Kinderweb Free Children's Games
Literacy Center Education Network™

I have more coming :)

As for the sound seeming staticy, it resolved itself. I think my brain was trying to make sense of the air conditioner at work since it is right above me. Quite annoying. It seemed to resolve itself on Friday and it is in the background. I can hear the radio with the voices again.
thanks for posting, I use alot with my class.

This past week has been so busy for me, that I have not had time to listen to music. So tonight I am getting wired for sound and listening away. I go for my next mapping Wednesday and I notice I am maxing out my sound on the left ear. Everything is getting clearer. My husband said he notices that conversation is easier and I don't get frustrated anymore. He also stated that my self-esteem is higher. I think because I don't have to depend on others to tell me what is going on and what someone said. I went out to dinner with Alex on Wednesday and it was crowded, but we were able to have a nice conversation without too many repeats.

I am going home to visit my family, mom, dad, sisters in a week. It is the first time they will see me since surgery. I hope they can see a difference. I'm a little nervous. Mostly about driving 6 hours with hearing. So any advise?
Thanks for the links Contradica! My daughter will have heaps of fun! :)

Glad that the strange reversion of sound quality fixed itself! I think you said that you increased the volume by 55% at the last map so maybe that was a big leap forward for your brain :)

I just came back from a nice weekend at a winery close to the sea. We have beautiful weather at the moment so it was just nice to enjoy life with my two CIs :)