ACORN officials videotaped encouraging lies

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I believe the Obama Administration will be thrown into chaos. :eek3:
She is believing in herself. She believes the Obama administration will get thrown into chaos.
I believe the Obama Administration will be thrown into chaos. :eek3:


ACORN will throw Obama under the bus. Why? Too much money involved. Now that the Fed's are investigating ACORN under RICO laws, people will start talking to save their arse from a long prison sentence. More will be revealed ... :wave: Bye, bye A-Con.
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ACORN will throw Obama under the bus. Why? Too much money involved. Now that the Fed's are investigating ACORN under RICO laws, people will start talking to save their arse from a long prison sentence. More will be revealed ... :wave: Bye, bye A-Con.

You're welcome. Yea, that is going to happen. Things will get worse to come.
"Police say a worker with the activist group ACORN who was caught on video giving advice about human smuggling to a couple posing as a pimp and a prostitute had reported the incident to authorities."

Police: ACORN worker in video reported couple - Yahoo! News

Far from encouraging the fake couple, the ACORN worker REPORTED them to the authorities. Right wing activists exposed the video and the worker was told by the police that he was duped. He got fired.
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