That's not the point. Yes, people are happy being who they are. People, ALL people, must be who they are. You can't force change just because you don't like something. If you don't like it, fine. That's your business, but stop trying to force your beliefs down everyone's throat. That's what we're upset about across the board. And, that's all of us. Not just those on here who are gay and lesbian.
I'm mad at you, too. I'm mad, because, you want to force some rediculous agenda down someone's throat, and it's not right. Especially, when it really goes back to you. If you don't like this, simply leave it be. Don't look at news stories and such that piss you off. It sounds like you live in a pretty isolated world. Fine. Stay there. But, shut your mouth. Because, we're all pretty tired of your rantings.