Abuse at Schools for Deaf--Canada compared to USA?

Yes I know. But for years and years residental insistutions like orphanages, schools and "homes" for mentally retarded folks, were really notorious for sexual abuse.
As a matter of fact, I seem to recall reading that the Public Schools (the really ritzy boarding schools in the UK like Eton etc) back in the old days were hotbeds of rather unsavory sexual activity.
Institutions were notorious for sexual abuse because it was more talked about now. But sexual abuse happens just as much in homes and non-institutional places. It's just less talked about.
deafdyke, your comments would be better clarified and supported with links to substantiate your claims/accusations.

Your comments are just bouncing off the wall with unsupported claims that seems to be picked out of the air.

Again, please be careful with sweeping generalisations. Please educate yourself about proper terms about people. Mentally retarded is incorrect, the proper term is developmentally-challenged.
deafdyke, your comments would be better clarified and supported with links to substantiate your claims/accusations.

Your comments are just bouncing off the wall with unsupported claims that seems to be picked out of the air.
Umm what do you mean? How so?
And the term mentally retarded is still used. It's not an insult. As a matter of fact its still listed under the DSM as a diaganoses.
Developmentally challenged is a little too vague.....
Louisiana School for the Deaf has sex abuse, I believe so and just found from last year and will try to find source after I get home or someone could provide a source for me so thanks for doing.
Umm what do you mean? How so?
And the term mentally retarded is still used. It's not an insult. As a matter of fact its still listed under the DSM as a diaganoses.
Developmentally challenged is a little too vague.....

I just may as well come out and call you "Deaf and Dumb" if you will continue to call some people "Mentally-Retarded". Just because the DSM still carries this terminology does not mean it is correct.

Political correctness in medicine

People who are mentally disabled are now rarely described as "mentally retarded" but may be said to have "special needs".

People who are blind or deaf may be referred to as "visually impaired" and "hearing-impaired". People who cannot speak are never "dumb" but "mute" or "without speech".

Political correctness
. It's very important.
I found about sex abuse at Louisiana School for the Deaf, there's link.
Louisiana School for the Deaf Closes

I don't know about Alabama School for the Deaf and Georgia School for the Deaf has sex abuse issue in past but I remember in before 1980's, Alabama School for the Deaf has spanking on students for being bad behavior but some staff use spanking too much, even in class or dorm but not anymore in around 1980's.