About the war on Iraq

What do you think of the foreign troops in Iraq ?

  • They must leave Iraq

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • They must not leave Iraq

    Votes: 6 15.0%
  • It doesn't make any difference

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • I don't have any opinion

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Other.. or I don't like the poll

    Votes: 5 12.5%

  • Total voters
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Sep 18, 2005
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What do you think about the war on Iraq ? .. Just reply to the poll and if you'd like state your opinion on the war .. Thanks a million. Love always :)
I have never favored this "war" and won't even support our troops because of it. This "war" is strictly for the Queen's oil and our people are dying for that witch, as thankless as she is. Why doesn't she send in her sons or grandsons in and fight, too? Poor babies, they might not be able to act like their late-mommy if the don't survive it.
I never really like seeing wars going around in any countries....There's just too much hate going around the world, and it needs to end, people need to start loving one another, than fighting for something that isn't worth it....People got to learn to let things go otherwise it will never end , and more innocent people end up getting killed just to save their country.....

I rather to see peace than war....

Someone got to step in, and say enough is enough.....
^Angel^ said:
I never really like seeing wars going around in any countries....There's just too much hate going around the world, and it needs to end, people need to start loving one another, than fighting for something that isn't worth it....People got to learn to let things go otherwise it will never end , and more innocent people end up getting killed just to save their country.....

I rather to see peace than war....

Someone got to step in, and say enough is enough.....
I'm not an american .. and I know many american soldiers don't know what they fight for .. What a pity .. I hope we all live in peace regardless of our differences and diversities.. no more wars.. just peace
Love always
When Bush went on TV to announce the war, I thought, "I hope he knows what he's doing." I felt great dismay about it and it seemed very premature at the time; now I know what a huge mistake it was. Some people accuse anti-war people of being unpatriotic and not supporting the troops. Well, I am anti-war and I think the best way to support the troops is to bring them home. My ex-husband is in Afghanistan right now, and my 19 yr old son is a combat medic in the Army Reserves, though fortunately he hasn't been sent over yet. (Knocking on wood.) But I worry every day that he'll be called up. He joined after the war began. I was devastated, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Definitely anti-war, especially this war.
BoomBoom said:
When Bush went on TV to announce the war, I thought, "I hope he knows what he's doing." I felt great dismay about it and it seemed very premature at the time; now I know what a huge mistake it was. Some people accuse anti-war people of being unpatriotic and not supporting the troops. Well, I am anti-war and I think the best way to support the troops is to bring them home. My ex-husband is in Afghanistan right now, and my 19 yr old son is a combat medic in the Army Reserves, though fortunately he hasn't been sent over yet. (Knocking on wood.) But I worry every day that he'll be called up. He joined after the war began. I was devastated, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Definitely anti-war, especially this war.
There is no point to add.. Thanks :)
I thought the Iraq war was a bad idea when it started and I think it's a bad idea now.

The only thing worse than staying in Iraq is leaving, though. Our soldiers are there now and like it or not, if we just pack up and leave, there's going to be a huge amount of bloodshed. I'm not so cynical to think the blood of tens of thousands of Iraqis at the hands of insurgents, and then the rise of another totalitarian regime is worth the immediate withdrawl from Iraq.

I don't think we should have ever invaded Iraq in the first place, but nonetheless, the President got us into this mess, and now it is the blood of our soldiers that is wiping clean that mistake. But now that we are there, and have a strong military presence in the country, the worst thing we could do is just pack up and leave. If we allow another totalitarian regime to rise to power unchecked, the deaths of the thousands of Americans and Iraqis in Iraq these last few years will have been meaningless.

We must see this through to the end, even if it was a mistake in the first place.
My straightforward opinion:

1.) Pentagon, our heroes' deaths (PA) and World Trade Center attacks: Terrorists was to blame as an act of war.

2.) Loss of WTC, the action to retaliate: attack terrorist systems, tactics and its allies.

3.) Communicating our retaliation: Any allies that fund, declare or provide terrorists their support, will be targeted. Saddam openly declared his support towards terrorists by providing the training ground for them.

Do the math.
LinuxGold said:
Saddam openly declared his support towards terrorists by providing the training ground for them.

Clarification: There were no significant terrorist organisations in Iraq prior to the US occupation. Additionally, there were no training grounds for such organisations.

Ba'athist justice was very effective in keeping insurgents at bay, whether it was a good way of operating is another matter. While Saddam was unquestionably a dictator, as a person he fiercely opposed fundamentalist interpretations of the Qur'an, and this should be apparent to any intelligent person viewing Iraq's laws. Worthy of note is that most of the Muslim terrorist organisations are led by fundamentalists.... Actually, worthy of note is that most terrorist organisations are led by fundamentalists of a particular religion (even Christian terrorist organisations).
Teresh said:
Clarification: There were no significant terrorist organisations in Iraq prior to the US occupation. Additionally, there were no training grounds for such organisations.

Ba'athist justice was very effective in keeping insurgents at bay, whether it was a good way of operating is another matter. While Saddam was unquestionably a dictator, as a person he fiercely opposed fundamentalist interpretations of the Qur'an, and this should be apparent to any intelligent person viewing Iraq's laws. Worthy of note is that most of the Muslim terrorist organisations are led by fundamentalists.... Actually, worthy of note is that most terrorist organisations are led by fundamentalists of a particular religion (even Christian terrorist organisations).

I do agree that there were no significant terrorist organsiations in Iraq prior to the US occupation. His open defy towards United States' warning of its support towards terrorists directly had us provoked. I know there are no evidence of WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), or any wrongdoings in Iraq, but his history of UN evasion is enough to get us going. It's like a bully in high school beating up the victims with bat, then hiding the bat denying that bat existed and evaded student advisor to turn it in, then giving his close friend his bat to hide it elsewhere until student advisor forced to open the locker finding that nothing is there. So does that mean that the victim lied?
LinuxGold said:
I do agree that there were no significant terrorist organsiations in Iraq prior to the US occupation. His open defy towards United States' warning of its support towards terrorists directly had us provoked. I know there are no evidence of WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), or any wrongdoings in Iraq, but his history of UN evasion is enough to get us going. It's like a bully in high school beating up the victims with bat, then hiding the bat denying that bat existed and evaded student advisor to turn it in, then giving his close friend his bat to hide it elsewhere until student advisor forced to open the locker finding that nothing is there. So does that mean that the victim lied?

Iraq wasn't bullying the United States or the European powers. The European countries in the UNSC that opposed the war did so because they found the US intelligence dubious and realised that it was partially to completely fabricated. They didn't oppose because Iraq was bullying them.

Seriously, Iraq was a second-world nation before, and at that one with a weak military and run by a puppet dictatorship set up by the CIA. Iraq didn't have the power to bully anyone. The war was very much a matter of cleaning up the mess that the US started there when it installed Saddam.
Amen Teresh!!
Liebling:-))) said:
Yes, they must leave Iraq.
My opinion is also like yours, The foreign troops have no any right or true reasons to invade Iraq.. Another european greets you..
The agressors should be tried as war criminals.
Really, we should just attack the terrorists for ruining our WTC, and THAT'S IT. Bush is just making MORE STORIES, which we are not sure if it is really happening, but I guess he prefer to ruin complete of the middle east to ensure that nothing happens in the future. Bush is pain in the ass!
well guess im in total disagreement with most of you, I think leaving now would be a crime and thousands of innocent people would be killed in each diff fractions by each other.

and i also believe it was the right decision to invade iraq,but it was done using misconception though and some people should be jailed for that, we didn't invade because of chemical weapons we invaded because of the future threat to world peace by a dangerous administration, to sit back and let them get stronger each year would have cost thousands of lives worldwide, America is mostly to blame for that, if senate allowed the complete destruction of the republican gaurd in the first gulf war and the removal of Saddam we wouldnt have needed to invade a second time, even the American commanders were against stopping before the job was done, it was a political decision. and countless lives would have been spared.
You know I have always against invaded Iraq in first place and President Bush is guilty for those war and lied to us but right now it is too late, We must help those Iraq people and bring peace to them. I knew it would come to this but no one would have predict this as I had. Oh well,now we are stuck and must finish what it started.
I voted and ain't gonna tell you. Y'all will gonna have a debate with me.
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