Cheri, I appreciate your concern and apology. I wasn't offended. My deal is that the stigma surrounding mental illness needs to be eliminated. It keeps many people from receiving mental health care when they need it. Mentally ill people need support, not shame.
It's slowly changing. My elders would not see a therapist or shrink to save their lives. Mental illness in my family was hidden and denied. I have 2 cousins who are schizophrenic and it's a tragic disease. It's also a disease which keeps patients from taking their medication (the paranoia). It has both a genetic and environmental component. Schizophrenia is the most feared disease because of the loss of touch with reality. That's what makes the person unable to live a normal life and it's incredibly sad.
Many people who need mental health care have suffered trauma, including physical, sexual and emotional abuse. In the US, we have soldiers returning from war who need help. These people need understanding and compassion, not shame.
Thanks for allowing me to share these thoughts. Many people are not aware of mental health issues, even though every person knows someone that has been or will be affected by mental illness. It's time to bring these issues out of the closet and address them. Mental health care is seriously lacking in the US. We all deserve better.