Years ago, sometime between 1990 and 1996, we had a local news reporter from our local newspaper go out and spent one month as a "homeless" person to do an in-depth report. What he found out was really eye-opening. I realize that with this recession and the economy being in the toilet right now it might not be the same. He found that about 1/2 to 2/3 of the people actually had their own homes, paid off. They had money in the bank and had money to spare. They just went out to "beg" since they could rake in $200-$500 a week. This reporter basically, would not shower all weekend or shave, then get some old ripped up clothes that also stank, and stood on various intersections around town. He managed to rake in $300 in his first week. By the end of his month doing this, he had gotten $1700 all in cash, and 55 free coupon books for McDonals'd and Burger King. After reading that article, I stopped helping out anyone unless it is a person that I personally know.