ABC cards are not pretty good idea.
IMO, deafies who do not have job or have a lowest wage job, would have to put together like keychain and paper. They cut the hard board papers, then connect them to the keychain. And use rubber bands. They either a different kind of transporation; car, bus, train, bicycle and foot. Go from one restaurant to another..nice when an employer would either kick their butts out or let them in. Life is tough, tho. That is how they need to feel like a "worker." Of course, you will never have a job security: Meaning...they will not get a SSA since the job they do is profitable, not earned. Nor will they get tax return either. It's not a reality job..even thought they work so hard: packing gums in the small bags, put tiny paper in..staple paper to stickers..etc. A lot of works for them but worth it if they feel tired and hate it. That's how it go.
Instead of just using ABC, my kids' dad is a keychain/gum seller for many years due to rough palms of his hands (hate rough feeling..argh) and he hates ABC cards because ABC is a beggin' card in HIS opinion, hence the word "donation." Donate to what??? Nothing. One thing is he feels good because while he's selling, he checks each place and ask for a job application. Not always simple. I gone simply typing for one deaf person before:
"Excuse...................selling....keychain (gum, pen, pencil) for ......................................" Better than "donation."
As for someone who mentioned $700. I'm not sure exactly how a deaf person manages to make $700 in one day. I know a so-called "boss" would forcibly collect the money from poor deaf ppl who worked their butts off for him/her and would gave either 85 percent or 90 percent to the deaf "boss" and kept a tiny amount for themselves. Or any deaf person who would just lie and say, "I made $500 (800, 2000, 3000) every day working hard!" Hard to believe that.
I don't think ABC cards will help. It doesn't do any difference. Training can help, even finding idea of how to sell things for profits..may help like selling blender for $20 bucks. Nice one couple made a very good profits selling blenders, blankets, cereal holders, etc...instead of ABC cards and keychains. (They used to pass out ABC and were embarrassed. Now they have their own selling business with the appliances, home stuffs, etc).
Also, doing these type of business is a very high risk of being in danger. It's not a safe career. You get push off the bicycle by other deaf person, you get shoved into the street by some get robbed by strangers or someone you know.'s not a pretty safe job. You may not even aware that this person may or may not work for a "boss." Still I don't like that.
People who works by selling keychains need to be reported on the SSI application if they sell them. Being honest is better instead of not saying it at all.