A working life or SSI / disability support, what is it for you?


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Jun 5, 2007
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Hi all,

Since I finished education I had a choice ahead of me.

  • A life of employment, little time for myself, always tired and always a challenge but with more financial freedom and ultimately CHOICES.


  • Resort to living off a very basic income provided by State/Government, be forced to live somewhere remote where the rent/housing is cheap and basically just get by to pay bills and food but not have many if any luxuries in life and limited choices in what you can do (can't afford to travel the world? start a company?), BUT are able to spend your days peacefully, maybe persuing art/hobbies and plenty of socialising/family time.

For me, at a younger age, I want to be somewhere where there is a creative atmosphere, lots of cutting edge art and technology, I was drawn to Brooklyn, NY for this reason but the prices for rent and living are through the roof so I was forced to find a job, Support like SSI simply couldn't cover the expense.
I feel fortunate that I was able to find work that doesn't involve face-to-face customer service relations, using the telephone or menial labor. I work for a relationship coach assisting him on the computer and maintaining his website. I also do video editing and graphic design. At $12 an hour I only need work 20 hours a week to pay the rent and bills, if there is an extra expense that I need (new laptop?) then I bump this up to 30-35 hours and can save for a couple months to afford one. Ultimately I still have quite a lot of free-time to myself and my own projects but I find myself getting so very tired that the quality of work I do can suffer.. It's a constant balancing act.

I think I have made a good choice for myself though, above all, I have freedom from the Government, if I want to pick up and leave, I can. If I want to change my circumstances, it's very easy, I'm not tied down to anything. So this is my situation.

I'd love to hear everyone else's perspective and what you do for a living, how you get by, are you happy?

Well, I was used to working and having SSI at the same time, but recently I got lay off from working so now I am full of SSI life now. You don't have to live in government's special homes for SSI people, you can get roommate and find your own apartment with your roommate. I live on a land with mobile home, I am part owned this land, and still are getting SSI. Just depends on how you feel like.

Living with SSI could be bored. Obsiviously yeah, but if you try to find things that keep you company, play video games, go out at club, go shopping, go park, there is many things you can do than just stay home or go work.

I would always recommend to get a job over SSI, but if you want to go to school, SSI will help you alot. You can get SSI while going to school, I did that before, but dropped out because I found out that it wasn't really my interest so..

Of course I am very happy, I always know my life is not about the money ;)
Ive done both work and SSI. I used SSI to go to work and during time when Im laid off so its nice to have it as backup when you lose your job. But I live in a city so costs of living is much higher than in the country so it does limit what you can afford to do. Ive been broke on SSI as well and its stressful when you need $$ to fix your car's tires, gas, for food, etc. Yes, being on SSI can be boring, especially if you are broke and want to go to a party in a bar or buy clothes but can't.

Ive also worked part-time and keep SSI but one problem with that is SSI people will tell you that you are overpaid and you have to pay them back whatever you owe.

Im working fulltime now and at first, I got tired alot but after a month or 2, I become used to working 8 hrs. I like having more $$ to spend and afford things.
Well, I was used to working and having SSI at the same time, but recently I got lay off from working so now I am full of SSI life now. You don't have to live in government's special homes for SSI people, you can get roommate and find your own apartment with your roommate. I live on a land with mobile home, I am part owned this land, and still are getting SSI. Just depends on how you feel like.

Living with SSI could be bored. Obsiviously yeah, but if you try to find things that keep you company, play video games, go out at club, go shopping, go park, there is many things you can do than just stay home or go work.

I would always recommend to get a job over SSI, but if you want to go to school, SSI will help you alot. You can get SSI while going to school, I did that before, but dropped out because I found out that it wasn't really my interest so..
Of course I am very happy, I always know my life is not about the money ;)

You are RIGHT... making lots of money wont make you happy.... It is important that you find something that will make you happy in your life..Lots of money wont buy HAPPYNESS..(sp)

I hope you would be able to find something that will make you happy for rest of your life... I wish you bestest luck...
I used SSDI to help me thru grad school after my ex husband left me. I didnt want to quit school to support myself so I got SSDI..then graduated with my MA degree, got a teaching job but the money was low at first and I had loans to pay off so I got a 2nd job on the weekends working at a group home. Yep, for 2 years, I worked 2 full time jobs (both 40 hours totally an 80 hour work week) to pay off my debt. Now, most of it has been paid off and I am back to working 1 job as a teacher and I love it. Yes, it is stressful but it challenges and motivates me. My salary is finally picking up and I am starting to make good money. Now, my worries is losing my job in the future if the school closes down. I dont think I would want to continue teaching if that happens so maybe would go back to school for something else..maybe a PhD. For now, I am content at where I am.

Prefer work over SSDI/SSI.
You are RIGHT... making lots of money wont make you happy.... It is important that you find something that will make you happy in your life..Lots of money wont buy HAPPYNESS..(sp)

I hope you would be able to find something that will make you happy for rest of your life... I wish you bestest luck...

Thanks :) Of course, money would never buy a happy. I wish your best luck too ;)
So it's also possible to get SSI whilst working? I am currently applying for it but they keep turning me down because I have more than $2000 in assets, I don't understand why I can't get some help with the extra expenses for assistance that I require.

In England they have something called 'Disability Living Allowance' and it is pretty much the same as SSI except that you are entitled to it regardless of whether you are working or not. The amount you are eligible for is only dependant on how much assistance and supervision you require in your daily life due to the disability.

So it is a bit of a shock to be told that I cannot get SSI because I have a Laptop, Blackberry phone and $1500 in the bank..
So it's also possible to get SSI whilst working? I am currently applying for it but they keep turning me down because I have more than $2000 in assets, I don't understand why I can't get some help with the extra expenses for assistance that I require.

In England they have something called 'Disability Living Allowance' and it is pretty much the same as SSI except that you are entitled to it regardless of whether you are working or not. The amount you are eligible for is only dependant on how much assistance and supervision you require in your daily life due to the disability.

So it is a bit of a shock to be told that I cannot get SSI because I have a Laptop, Blackberry phone and $1500 in the bank..

try applying for SSI again without showing laptop, blackberry phone and withdraw your money out of ur bank down to like 200 or 300 in bank and keep money in your safe and that way SSI can help you otherwise they can't
Yes You can get SSI while working, it has to be small earning otherwise you'll get more money from SSI while NOT working but it's better to work over SSI
While receving SSI, then, working to earn more money than what SSI offers then SSI will pay you ZERO. However, if you receives SSDI then, just you may be working as a part time, just to watch $$ up to $900 per month unless you never use up the trail work period then you can make more than 900 bucks per month for 9 months period only! after 9 months, then you need to watch what you make up to $900 so you may keep your ss benefits from now on. Of course, always informing to SS offices to update your history work and so. SSA constantly changes the rules anyway.
Well in 50 years there is not going to be any SSI or SSDI because it will be depleted.

So yes working is going to be way better than SSI/SSDI. There is a reason why it is so mediocre. It is because the government would rather you be a part of the workforce to pay taxes IN to keep it running rather than getting SSI/SSDI and taking taxes OUT of the government.

The fewer people there are in the workforce, the less money the government makes. Of course they want you to work!

I would much rather work a 40 hour work week and have some financial freedom to do what I want while I'm not working. There are people out there that work 70 hours a week and still have the freedom to do what they want. These are the people you see making plans to go to Europe for their annual vacation. These are the people you see that are actually able to pay for their kids college tuition.

I know of a guy that is single in his mid to late 20s, works 80 hours a week, all in 5 days time. But when the weekend rolls around he really gets to have fun. When he goes on vacation he goes to Brazil to see his parents. And yes he is a legal alien and plans to apply for US citizenship in the near future. He says he does not care to pay taxes because he knows he will get to retire nicely in Brazil with everything that he will have paid in. He will get to live like a king.

I say work your ass off now and get to reap the enoyable harvest later on in life.

SSI means you have limited income for the rest of your life. You wont have the money to pursue the hobbies and nightclub life that you want.

Work now, play later.
Wow 80 hours a week huh? And then goes crazy and has fun all weekend?

How on earth does he get the energy! I'm struggling with 35 hours, I just get so exhausted.. go to bed tired, wake up tired, then get progressively more tired through-out the day! Something must be amiss.

I attribute it to the fact that I have to concentrate so hard all day to hear/lipread people just to maintain any reasonable level of communication.

Hmm, well as someone else said, apparently it get's easier after a while and you get more energy back, but we'll see...
I am on ODSP, which is the Canadian version of SSI, and I hate it!!! I prefer to work than to get disability money. I had often brought up the topic of getting off ODSP and getting a job and going to school. Just yesterday brought it up with my mum, but my mum said I shouldn't do that, cuz I am going to school this fall in Toronto, moving out on my own in July with two roommates in Mississauga which is near Toronto, and is very expensive around as well as other nearby cities and towns of Toronto. But I was determined to get a part time job and live in apt with my two friends as well as go to school. But my mum knows me too well, I will not be able to handle it. I am bipolar as alot of you may remember me mentioning this before, and already I had to withdraw college once last year because I was overwhelmed with school (as well as I drank and smoked up every day, and ended up in the mental ward twice in less than 3 weeks), and getting a part time job will not cover the cost of living in Toronto. But I seriously HATE living on ODSP.

My goal is to finish school then get a good job and cut ODSP out of my life for good. This can only happen if my fucking mental health permit me.
Well in 50 years there is not going to be any SSI or SSDI because it will be depleted.

So yes working is going to be way better than SSI/SSDI. There is a reason why it is so mediocre. It is because the government would rather you be a part of the workforce to pay taxes IN to keep it running rather than getting SSI/SSDI and taking taxes OUT of the government.

The fewer people there are in the workforce, the less money the government makes. Of course they want you to work!

I would much rather work a 40 hour work week and have some financial freedom to do what I want while I'm not working. There are people out there that work 70 hours a week and still have the freedom to do what they want. These are the people you see making plans to go to Europe for their annual vacation. These are the people you see that are actually able to pay for their kids college tuition.

I know of a guy that is single in his mid to late 20s, works 80 hours a week, all in 5 days time. But when the weekend rolls around he really gets to have fun. When he goes on vacation he goes to Brazil to see his parents. And yes he is a legal alien and plans to apply for US citizenship in the near future. He says he does not care to pay taxes because he knows he will get to retire nicely in Brazil with everything that he will have paid in. He will get to live like a king.

I say work your ass off now and get to reap the enoyable harvest later on in life.

SSI means you have limited income for the rest of your life. You wont have the money to pursue the hobbies and nightclub life that you want.

Work now, play later.

Then have EVERY Deafie and Handicapped people to propose Congress to force EVERY Private companies to stop discriminate and to hire and offer equal wage to Deaf and Handicapped people. And also City, State, and Federal Govt sector should change policy to allow promotion and better pay for them. So to get every deafie and handicapped OFF the SSI/SSA roll!! We all are part of Economics!! This will save Social Security and extend it longer than 50 years! Save Govt plenty, Cuz we will all pay taxes to support Govt. Make sense!?

Hey remember that TODAY's Technology leave companies and Govt NO EXCUSES to Discriminate US!!!. We have Cellular pagers, VideoPhones, Alerting system ect.. So what's stopping them from hiring us!! We all need jobs to make a better living!

I met some deafie that have college degree but couldn't get a job cuz Companies and Govt refuse to hire them regardless how many resume they sent out. My friend was one of them. She worked for Govt and applied for higher level job. The interviewer told her that she is overqualified and can't hire her becasue she's deaf!!! This made her really :pissed: . IT's so wrong cuz It's an issue with phone work. They hired high school graduate for this job! ? Aw Cmon!!

Then have EVERY Deafie and Handicapped people to propose Congress to force EVERY Private companies to stop discriminate and to hire and offer equal wage to Deaf and Handicapped people. And also City, State, and Federal Govt sector should change policy to allow promotion and better pay for them. So to get every deafie and handicapped OFF the SSI/SSA roll!! We all are part of Economics!! This will save Social Security and extend it longer than 50 years! Save Govt plenty, Cuz we will all pay taxes to support Govt. Make sense!?

Hey remember that TODAY's Technology leave companies and Govt NO EXCUSES to Discriminate US!!!. We have Cellular pagers, VideoPhones, Alerting system ect.. So what's stopping them from hiring us!! We all need jobs to make a better living!

I met some deafie that have college degree but couldn't get a job cuz Companies and Govt refuse to hire them regardless how many resume they sent out. My friend was one of them. She worked for Govt and applied for higher level job. The interviewer told her that she is overqualified and can't hire her becasue she's deaf!!! This made her really :pissed: . IT's so wrong cuz It's an issue with phone work. They hired high school graduate for this job! ? Aw Cmon!!


See my thread "Phone Excuse?" I brought up the same issues. It is unacceptable about the phone being the obstacle for promotions or good jobs. :roll:
Wow 80 hours a week huh? And then goes crazy and has fun all weekend?

How on earth does he get the energy! I'm struggling with 35 hours, I just get so exhausted.. go to bed tired, wake up tired, then get progressively more tired through-out the day! Something must be amiss.

I attribute it to the fact that I have to concentrate so hard all day to hear/lipread people just to maintain any reasonable level of communication.

Hmm, well as someone else said, apparently it get's easier after a while and you get more energy back, but we'll see...

80 a week in a signing environment really makes a difference as opposed to 35 hours in a non signing environment. I would be exhuasted working at a job where I have to lipread everyone too. Both of my jobs were in a signing environment so it was easy.
The guy has plenty of Red Bull to go around. When he gets a drink he buys a Red Bull so he gets an energy jolt to get him through the next couple of hours. Then I guess he catches up on sleep during the day on Saturday then he goes out and parties Saturday night and works off his hangover on Sunday and sleeps Sunday night. I asked him how he finds sleep during the week and he says he doesnt make any plans for the week and tells friends not to call or visit during his sleep hours which are from 1 am - 5 am and from 2:30 pm until 4:45pm. I think he gets 6 hours of sleep per day during the week but it is just broken up into smaller 'portions' so maybe he is not missing a whole lot of sleep?? :idunno:

As for working, you will eventually get adjusted to it. It takes the body 2 weeks to 'acclimatize' to new sleeping and working hours, and it takes roughly 2 months to get your biological clock set to those hours.

During my first two weeks of working at PJP and getting up at 5 am, I was dragging my ass all over the place I was so tired even though I get off work at 2:30 pm. People think oh you get off early! But what they fail to realize is that by the time they get up and get to work, I am already on first break. I am still working an 8 hour day, but its at different hours. It is as if I am living in Nova Scotia and working on their time.

You will get adjusted to it, it just takes time.

I have been doing some reading and learning to 'reset my biological clock' so that I get up at the same time EVERY DAY and go to sleep at the same time EVERY DAY and knowing when to consume caffeine and when to eat so that my body will know to produce certain chemicals to either wake me up or to help me fall asleep.

But to be 100% successful you have to get up at the same time EVERY DAY even on weekends and get even get up and get dressed like you are going to work if you have to. Your body will eventually adjust its energy levels and you need to train your brain to concentrate for longer periods of time to accomplish a task.

Good luck.
The guy has plenty of Red Bull to go around. When he gets a drink he buys a Red Bull so he gets an energy jolt to get him through the next couple of hours. Then I guess he catches up on sleep during the day on Saturday then he goes out and parties Saturday night and works off his hangover on Sunday and sleeps Sunday night. I asked him how he finds sleep during the week and he says he doesnt make any plans for the week and tells friends not to call or visit during his sleep hours which are from 1 am - 5 am and from 2:30 pm until 4:45pm. I think he gets 6 hours of sleep per day during the week but it is just broken up into smaller 'portions' so maybe he is not missing a whole lot of sleep?? :idunno:

As for working, you will eventually get adjusted to it. It takes the body 2 weeks to 'acclimatize' to new sleeping and working hours, and it takes roughly 2 months to get your biological clock set to those hours.

During my first two weeks of working at PJP and getting up at 5 am, I was dragging my ass all over the place I was so tired even though I get off work at 2:30 pm. People think oh you get off early! But what they fail to realize is that by the time they get up and get to work, I am already on first break. I am still working an 8 hour day, but its at different hours. It is as if I am living in Nova Scotia and working on their time.

You will get adjusted to it, it just takes time.

I have been doing some reading and learning to 'reset my biological clock' so that I get up at the same time EVERY DAY and go to sleep at the same time EVERY DAY and knowing when to consume caffeine and when to eat so that my body will know to produce certain chemicals to either wake me up or to help me fall asleep.

But to be 100% successful you have to get up at the same time EVERY DAY even on weekends and get even get up and get dressed like you are going to work if you have to. Your body will eventually adjust its energy levels and you need to train your brain to concentrate for longer periods of time to accomplish a task.

Good luck.

Heard that before. Caffine cranks LOL. I can't drink lot caffine. It gives me bad headaches. I don't drink coffee (Yuck!!) but drink pops sometime.

Scientist already discovered drug that keep you awake 24/7. But Govt and FDA won't approve it. If that be the case, many companies would want to keep employees working forever without breaks. That's bad tho. Of Course everyone need a break from work. I'm sure there will always be burnout after working 80 hours. Not everyone last long on that (Inept people can get burned out too). We're all human and full of weakness...

My brother is a fireman and he works variable schedule. 24hrs, 48hrs or 72hrs. It's not ongoing. There are bed for firemen to get some sleep. Sometime Alarm go off as soon as he hit bed. He was tired but adeline keep him going to fight fires. I only sleeps 6 hours cuz I'm used working nights. There are time I'm tired at work and I took nap when there's no productivity there. Boss don't care at all cuz we're just stand-by employees.

Military use Go-Go pills to keep them alert during runs (bomber, submarine, Missile key person ect...

A good job (as long as it was ethnical) would be best.

However it can be hard for people to find suitable jobs. My mum could never find work. She suffered from depression and found it difficult to get on with other people. Nobody would employ her. So we were always on benifit money after my mum and dad got seperated.

Some people give others a hard time if they are on benifits. I don't think that's right. I think it's better to be on benifits then work for an exploitive firm that abuses animals/people/the planet etc... Or like my neibour. He got himself a job dealing in cocain. He is now in prison. The government pays more money to keep him in there then they give me, even though I get higher rate of benifits as a deafblind person.