A weird dream and a customer service question?


New Member
Feb 17, 2010
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Maybe this isn't the best way to make friends here, by announcing that my subconscious (and quite possibly part of my conscious mind) is a total jerk and by being ignorant, but dang it, this really, really bothers me.

So last night I had a really bizarre dream. In it, my Deaf professor and I were going out to eat at a restaurant near our school; the waiter walked up to my professor, and was immediately frustrated to find out he was deaf. I jumped in (in my dream) and was like "Oh! I'll help! I know sign! I'll interpret!" My professor was immediately angry and essentially tore me a new one, telling me that he didn't need my help, that he could communicate just fine, that I was an audist, etc. All the while, I was signing I'm sorry, I know you're just fine, I know you can handle yourself, I'm sorry, over and over, like it hit me like a thunderbolt that I could be so dense and that he was so right.

It bothered me so much that I jerked awake.

Now I suspect that my subconscious is an audist and I feel terrible about it! Ugh! The worst part is, it took a dream for me to realize that I might actually DO something like that in a completely thoughtless way! It really makes me think about how right "Redefining Deaf" is, that we absolutely have to change the ideology involved in "Deaf". This stuff is so ingrained into us stupid hearing people that we can be total jerkfaces without even meaning to be. =( The first step to changing it probably is realizing it, but it sucks that our preconceived notions can make it so that little to no thought is required, that we act without even considering because we don't even know to stop to consider, and suddenly you've been a total jerk without even the slightest inkling that you were one!

So naturally I dwelled on this all day as I'm prone to doing, and started wondering about my job. I've told other servers that I'm happy to help them out if they have Deaf guests at their tables (since I'm the only one who knows any ASL--well, except what I've taught them), but now I'm starting to wonder if that's audist in itself. I mean, so far, this hasn't happened, but I guess my question is, how would that come across? If I were to come over and be like, "Hi, I'm Fiery. I'm going to help Nick here since he doesn't know how to sign"? Would that be okay, or does that imply something bad? If this happens, should I just make a point to stay out of it if it's not my table, or should I go and interpret? I just don't know!

Blah. I get myself so tied up in knots sometimes that it drives me crazy! Anyway, I apologize if any of this caused offense, it wasn't my intention. I'm just trying to walk myself out of this web of thoughtlessness and be a better person. =(
no ... your dream means you are a very thoughtful and considerate person for you to have been disturbed by it in this way.

I have dreams of driving home in my office chair ... it has turn signals and everything :giggle:
Thanks for sharing.

You're not a jerk or an audist. Don't worry. :)
its just a dream. It having that affect on you shows that youre a good person.

Steinhauer, your dream of driving home on your office chair is too funny.... im a frequent "weird" dreamer. Once had a dream that played out like a movie. Even ended with credits and all LOL
no ... your dream means you are a very thoughtful and considerate person for you to have been disturbed by it in this way.

I have dreams of driving home in my office chair ... it has turn signals and everything :giggle:

I remember having a dream of my father tied to his desk chair stark naked and covered in feathers. The chair was tied to the bumper of our car and we were driving on Hwy 60 going west from Lake Wales, FL to Tampa, FL. Cannot for the life of me figure out why I must have been pissed at my dad for, but he got a crack out of it and told me he dreams of rowing a boat on the same road. At the time it was a 4 lane divided highway. (early 70's)
Fiery, that is very impressive and awesome of what you are dreaming about the customer service. You are not an audist or being a jerk. I can understand your frustration whether you are trying to help the waiter and the deaf customers with your signs like being an interpreter. If it is not your table, then we can get by with paper and pen or can try to speak to the waiter for orders. We can handle ourselves just fine without your help. But if you are working on this table with us, then you can communicate with us in signs. That would be great. Remember there are other deaf customers who don't know signs. Usually we just point the kind of foods in the menu book and the waiter will take the order from the menu book. That seem to help well. Hope that help you. :)
Dreams mean nothing and do not reflect your subconscious thoughts. My dreams are very confusing and jump from here to there. It would mean that my subconcsious wants to rip up TVs and run off to El Salvador. :)
Dreams mean nothing and do not reflect your subconscious thoughts. My dreams are very confusing and jump from here to there. It would mean that my subconcsious wants to rip up TVs and run off to El Salvador. :)

That is the gist I actually get from you...
Dude, I had the weirdest dream ever. I was in Florida and these alligators started coming up at me from sewer grates.

No .... I don't know why.

Anyways, I had a flashlight with me and all of a sudden it became a light saber from Star Wars. So .. I'm thinking ... hell .... yeah .....baby!!! Alligators are gonna be chop suey ... !!!

So, I go to turn on my flashlight and the batteries were ..... drained. :eek2:

My "light saber" would only show very dimly.

My last thoughts before I woke up was " I am soooo fuuuuuu!!!"
I think you're a ticking time bomb, seriously.

LOL... Well I'm definitely one of a kind... but I'm not crazy. :lol:

I don't often post a lot and the stuff I reveal about my personal life is limited. It's hard to get the gist of me from my 2 posts a day.

If I were as quick to judge, I'd say that you were trying too hard to get a laugh.
LOL... Well I'm definitely one of a kind... but I'm not crazy. :lol:

I don't often post a lot and the stuff I reveal about my personal life is limited. It's hard to get the gist of me from my 2 posts a day.

If I were as quick to judge, I'd say that you were trying too hard to get a laugh.

Alright, first: All crazies don't admit they're crazy.

Second: You have 3,000 posts, not two.

Third: "Quick to judge" fail.
Alright, first: All crazies don't admit they're crazy.

Second: You have 3,000 posts, not two.

Third: "Quick to judge" fail.

Ask anyone who really does know me, "Is that guy crazy?" This is what they'll answer: "No, but he's pretty weird." :P

@ your 2nd point: Such is true, but some days I post more than others. That was mainly in the summer. Lately I have not been posting nearly as much. And what things I do post, I try to limit what is said with regards to my personal life. I try to keep it pretty low-key.

@ your 3rd point: It seems as though it's true... from what you're posting right now.