And you left out the cruelest of all.......Car seats. Should a child be forced not to bounce around like dice in a yahtzee cup.
Car seats are necessary. A CI isn't.
And you left out the cruelest of all.......Car seats. Should a child be forced not to bounce around like dice in a yahtzee cup.
And you left out the cruelest of all.......Car seats. Should a child be forced not to bounce around like dice in a yahtzee cup.
Really? I didn't have a car seat as a child and I'm still here.Car seats are necessary. A CI isn't.
Learning to talk and being able to enjoy sounds such as music is also a part of growing up. A C.I. can help a child who is born deaf do these things. Waiting until a child is 18 will most likely mean less benefit from the implant. Some may not benefit as much with an implant but why not give it the best chance of success.
I parents decide to implant their child they should also realize that C.I. s are not perfect and that it will take work for the child to learn to hear with the implant. Parents should also expose their child to other forms of communication such as ASL and from what I have read it seems parents on this board have done this.
I am glad I only had to make the choice for myself because I feel sorry for parents who make the choice for their child and end up being attacked and accused of child abuse.
Really? I didn't have a car seat as a child and I'm still here.
Learning to talk and being able to enjoy sounds such as music is also a part of growing up. A C.I. can help a child who is born deaf do these things. Waiting until a child is 18 will most likely mean less benefit from the implant. Some may not benefit as much with an implant but why not give it the best chance of success.
I parents decide to implant their child they should also realize that C.I. s are not perfect and that it will take work for the child to learn to hear with the implant. Parents should also expose their child to other forms of communication such as ASL and from what I have read it seems parents on this board have done this.
I am glad I only had to make the choice for myself because I feel sorry for parents who make the choice for their child and end up being attacked and accused of child abuse.
Really? I didn't have a car seat as a child and I'm still here.
Really? I didn't have a car seat as a child and I'm still here.
Car seats are necessary. A CI isn't.
In your opinion.....
He may be saying "In your opinion" as to whether car seats are necessary. I don't think car seats are necessary (as food, water, clothing, etc are), but you'd be stupid not to strap your child into one for his/her your opinion... CI's necessary?
He may be saying "In your opinion" as to whether car seats are necessary. I don't think car seats are necessary (as food, water, clothing, etc are), but you'd be stupid not to strap your child into one for his/her safety.
Yes, it is the law and yes safety is important.They are required by the law. So yes, they are more than necessary. it's for the child's safety.
Since when is safety not necessary?
They are required by the law. So yes, they are more than necessary. it's for the child's safety.
Since when is safety not necessary?
It's also the law to wear a seat belt, but how many people don't think they're necessary and therefore don't wear them?