Then call the city DOT or email them this picture.
? Would if you could?
What? Are there not listings for them either in the phone book or online? I wouldn't totally bank on the fact that there's construction there already and they'll notice it.
Google threw this up as the first hit when I entered search terms "how do I report a pothole..." (it autocompleted with CHICAGO as the second choice in the drop down too oddly).
City of Chicago :: Pothole in the Street
what we do is stick a pole (like tree branch) in it to warn people
um.... you can just.... simply navigate away from that hole...... why would you avoid the entire street because of that little hole? mein gott....That's why I try to avoid going on Lunt Ave with my backup bicycle.
Would if I could. Anyways.... there's construction going on around the area, so they're bound to find it soon enough.
you should be able to.
NYC has an app called "NYC 311" for anybody to report any issue - noise, rat condition, item lost in taxi, illegal parking, blocked driveway, abandoned vehicle, pothole, broken sidewalk, etc. etc. etc.
I think Chicago has similar app.
Yes. I already submitted the photo, and they indicated they had gotten it. They sent a tracking number, but when I tried to check on the status, it didn't show, and I'd assume they already saw it and had it taken care of, perhaps?
check again in the morning. you need to let things run for at least 24 hrs.
I don't think it will get that much bigger in 24 hours (or less- usually all it takes is an overnight cycle to process any kind of request be it banking- though they're worse than most hmph- or putting in maintenance requests like the pothole.
I've seen that done before- sticking something in a pot hole to make it more noticeable especially it was small to mid sized.
Ordered a couple of these off Ebay earlier to use on Halloween