A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

How do y'all like your marshmallows?

#3. I learned to like the burnt outside and almost liquid inside when my parents had their annual leaf burning party for the neighborhood.

Good times long past.
Keep seeing movement on my laptop screen (not this laptop) from the corner of my eye.

Is it a bug running across the screen? :ohno:
I used to have a screensaver that was bugs crawling all over the screen at one of my jobs. Thought that was a great way to keep some people away. :lol:

It's a reflection of the workmen outside my living room window.
Keep seeing movement on my laptop screen (not this laptop) from the corner of my eye.

Is it a bug running across the screen? :ohno:
I used to have a screensaver that was bugs crawling all over the screen at one of my jobs. Thought that was a great way to keep some people away. :lol:

It's a reflection of the workmen outside my living room window.
Good for your last sentence... I was about to tell you it's your retina detaching.
Good for your last sentence... I was about to tell you it's your retina detaching.
Didn't think about that. Thanks for being concerned and ready to tell me to go see the eye doctor (or go to ER). I have a friend who recently had an eye scare and went to ER. I forget what the diagnoses was, but she did not need any surgery.
Good for your last sentence... I was about to tell you it's your retina detaching.

Interesting. But a good thought. I have noticed things "moving" out of the corners of my eye and I kind of assumed it was just my mind and my over-the-top phobia of spiders that made me think spiders were looming in on me.
1, 2 or 3 for marshmallows for me.

It's interesting about the moving out of corners of the eye... I tend to do that when something pops up in the corner of my eye to get my attention.
And now I have them reflecting off both screens as I put the Macbook Air in front of the larger laptop
Good for your last sentence... I was about to tell you it's your retina detaching.

Thanks for that bit of info... Like others I've sort of seen (or think I saw) things out of the corner of my eye. What with the multiple problems with my eyes (and now age), will have to be more vigilant regarding the retina too.
Thanks for that bit of info... Like others I've sort of seen (or think I saw) things out of the corner of my eye. What with the multiple problems with my eyes (and now age), will have to be more vigilant regarding the retina too.
I hope I didn't make everyone here worry too much.

The eye disease I have affects the retina and macula so I'm really very experienced with bad things happening.

It isn't going to happen all the time .
I hope I didn't make everyone here worry too much.

The eye disease I have affects the retina and macula so I'm really very experienced with bad things happening.

It isn't going to happen all the time .

No, for me it's just a reminder- not something I think about often but ought to. With me my issues are the macula(recent dx..yay? :P) and past glaucoma...plus lots of scar tissues from multiple eye surgeries... and lens implants. I think I nearly had an issue with my retina at one point- eye pressure went to 0 after one surgery (not a good thing, and how it felt was...ick) and I had bleeding in that eye as well (ditto). It resolved itself thank god and my vision is still good in that (and the other) eye.