awesome!! I hope you will break them into 5 videos. please don't postpone your videos because i want to see them soon.
1. I asked people to guess what country I'm from. *asking audience* and then one of them got it right. I said - please... if you see any Asian man, your first answer should be Korean! This is how you can tell the difference. If you see an Asian man carrying a bag full of food... that's Chinese. *audience :-o ooooooooooo*
2. some silly factoid - "race car" spells the same if spelled backward *audience nodding, hmmmm*
3. *asking audience* who had a good Valentine Day? *few people cheering, raising hands* Asking them - what did you do?? lunch.. dinner... gift... card... right??? *they nodding* and then at the end of the day... what happened??? *they :Oops: *coaxing them to tell me STUFF!* then I said - some kissing.... loving.... and then sex, right??? Valentine Day?

it's VAGINA Day! *pointing up 2 V signs* Valentine..... Vagina..... same!!! *they :roll:

4. I have a big question for ya'all because I don't understand. You and your lover kissed everywhere and did some kinky nasty loving. 69. anal. feet. mouth. etc........ and then you get pissed off if he's using your toothbrush???
5. Please do not get offended! USA is the #1 fattest country in the world. We have diseases that come from eating too much. We eat so much that we get lactose intolerance. When you're lactose intolerance, my stomach hurrtttsss *groannn* and I gotta shit! But in Africa.... their stomachs hurts so much too! ........ because they're hungry!!!! my stomach hurts because I'm so hungry!!! gimme some food!!! Just something to think about, huh?