A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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Prof SKY sends a Hot meow to Bottesini's herd of hounds,

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Prof SKY sends a Hot meow to Bottesini's herd of hounds,

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

We say Hi! To Prof SKY. I think we are about to have heatstroke. Rain is forecast for Thursday.
Wirelessly posted

Hot day here
0_o hot outside serious that is why! on my area!

please go on...


lucky mexicans. that never happen to me. (DARN)
How much I like the word chickenshit, at the moment. :lol:
final on fix on cable on solve :D whoot! it is work on television I am glad of long 3 or 4 hours wow techincal fix on cable work perfect!
Hubby's allergies are going haywire all of a sudden. HE has been doing fine since we moved back to Florida, but today, he had to come home early due to sneezing and constant runny nose. Since he got home at noon, he has emptied 2 boxes of Kleenex. I think I will be sleeping in the other room. He has awaken himself at least 3 times in the last hour sneezing. He does take allergy medicine daily, but something got to him.
I feel him. My sinus infection is driving me bats. Have you heard of Tobradex nose drops? Not sure if it's spelled right...new antibotics for the sinus. I'm going to see if the doctor will let me try that...I've been hoping it would clear up but looks like I'm going have to make that appointment. Yuck. :(
I figure out think so crap! hmm probably search find hard work!
Hubby has no concept of measurements. He now wants to get a storage shed (we were planning on it anyway after the construction for the lawn equipment and his tools), but he wants to get it BEFORE construction so we don't have to may the storage fees at the warehouse. Problem is, we are planning on getting a 10X12 shed. Our warehouse is currently 10X20 and not everything fit because of MIL's decorations, hubby's tools and the lawn equipment. He doesn't understand why it won't fit. Arrgh!!!
Had a CODA at the deaf church this morning tell me that in her opinion, one of the best books I could use to learn ASL until she could get with me on lessons, is Lou Fant's The American Sign Language Phrase Book. She asked if I had one (I do) and I mentioned that I also had the puzzle books that go with it, but are written by Justin Segal and were done after Lou Fan't passing away.
Hubby has no concept of measurements. He now wants to get a storage shed (we were planning on it anyway after the construction for the lawn equipment and his tools), but he wants to get it BEFORE construction so we don't have to may the storage fees at the warehouse. Problem is, we are planning on getting a 10X12 shed. Our warehouse is currently 10X20 and not everything fit because of MIL's decorations, hubby's tools and the lawn equipment. He doesn't understand why it won't fit. Arrgh!!!

use the measuring tape and demonstrate it at 10x12 shed and show him that the shed is shorter than shed.
use the measuring tape and demonstrate it at 10x12 shed and show him that the shed is shorter than shed.

I figured out the square footage of each and asked him which was bigger. He finally got it. I understand what he was trying to do, but ah well. The storage place is $133 a month and he was wanting to avoid that if we could. MIL is paying $88 for her 6X8 storage place.
I figured out the square footage of each and asked him which was bigger. He finally got it. I understand what he was trying to do, but ah well. The storage place is $133 a month and he was wanting to avoid that if we could. MIL is paying $88 for her 6X8 storage place.

Just wondering, do you need the stuff paying storage for? If not, why pay to keep them in storage?
Just wondering, do you need the stuff paying storage for? If not, why pay to keep them in storage?

Well - considering what we have in storage, yes, I do need to keep it all. In our unit is all of our belongings we moved from Missouri to here 2 years ago. We are in the process of converting a garage to a house and will need the furniture, dishes, and all household items that are there. Other than that, there is hubby's tools (we had to replace all of them as he had over $2000 worth stolen in Missouri) and all of MIL's holiday lawn ornaments. The lawn decorations and tools are in her unit, the household stuff is in our unit. It will be cheaper to pay the fees than to replace it all considering some of it is irreplaceable. (Family china and crystal and silver)
I am learn it it how figure out expect to how wish be relax and mind calm positive!
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