A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part I

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Here's your vitural pizza.


too much cheese! I like pepperoni pizza.
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I love cheese too yum!
Had class tonight. (ASL class). Test #2, vocab - 100%, signing 10 sentences in proper ASL grammar - 100%, Translating thesentences for all classmates 110 sentences - 100%.

It's going great and I feel very confident. Now - If I could just get over the giggles while signing, I would be good. Any ideas?
Had class tonight. (ASL class). Test #2, vocab - 100%, signing 10 sentences in proper ASL grammar - 100%, Translating thesentences for all classmates 110 sentences - 100%.

It's going great and I feel very confident. Now - If I could just get over the giggles while signing, I would be good. Any ideas?

I think the giggles are a sign of nervousness.....once you keep getting you confidence up they will get less and less.
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KristinaB said:
Had class tonight. (ASL class). Test #2, vocab - 100%, signing 10 sentences in proper ASL grammar - 100%, Translating thesentences for all classmates 110 sentences - 100%.

It's going great and I feel very confident. Now - If I could just get over the giggles while signing, I would be good. Any ideas?

Congratulations! You did superb on your test! Consider the giggles as part of nonmanuals hahaha jk its been ages since, I've been in ASL classes.
I am considering retaking the RID only time will tell.
TGIF :cool2: but my face's numbed and swollen from laser treatment. round 2 and the last one.
I don't know If I already mention this in another post or not, but I am soooo glad I do not need a root canal. I came really close to it. My new dentist put a temporary filling in to calm the nerves before he can use a permanent one. He says the permanent filling could kill the root because the root is aggravated right now.

I'm even more happy because the dentist is more deaf friendly because they use emails for everything... like confirmation for your next appointment, or reminders, etc.
Honey I'm hoooome!! Did I miss anything interesting? (rubs chin)

Not a whole heck of a lot - storms knocked out my power for a while and I've been getting caught back up. Good to see you made it home to AD.
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