A Techie Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

If happen to me and simple use reimage everything and it done under 20 minutes and done. :) Reformat,reinstall software/driver,then update is waste of time and old fashioned. Reimage FTW!!!!

thats really interesting way to do it, I am also (it hardly happens but when it does its a real pain in the arse) sick and tired of the old fashioned, format, install and install apps...geez .. so whats the name of program/appz which does this reimaging, ( i am aware of image CD loading...but not familiar as i haven't done it for quite a long time now, just been too busy in uni doing uni stuff leaving me little time to play/fiddle with computers...
thanks for your response in advance..
Let's see if someone can help little old me. :)

I just got my computer back from Best Buy Geek Squad. Had to have a new hard drive and Windows re-installed. They put what I had previously on it so I have Vista on this baby. I cannot seem to enlarge things to I can read them. Everything is so tiny. Please, can someone help?
thats really interesting way to do it, I am also (it hardly happens but when it does its a real pain in the arse) sick and tired of the old fashioned, format, install and install apps...geez .. so whats the name of program/appz which does this reimaging, ( i am aware of image CD loading...but not familiar as i haven't done it for quite a long time now, just been too busy in uni doing uni stuff leaving me little time to play/fiddle with computers...
thanks for your response in advance..

I use acronis true image app, it's work great for any Windows and some Linux. Also RAID Arrays support. I remembered I reimage from single hdd to two hdds with RAID 1 under 30 minutes for computer server.

I love that software since 2003 (not sure how long I use it since) it is much better than Norton ghost.
because you mean nothing to me. be gone, pest.

Spray him with Raid, he's a cockroach (j/k) :crazy:

Fiddling around my new Dell Mini 10 (P3) Netbook. Installed Ubuntu 9.10 w/ poulsbo driver compiled. I am typing on this now. My Acer laptop is now tucked under the workbench waiting for me to repair it. It had been overheating and BSOD often now. I believe it's a corrupted driver that need to be reinstalled. Preferably I would reinstall XP anyway to shut up problems.

MY kids can't touch my new netbook. I'm selfish over it and locked away with user password.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in 1876, then 130 years later.....iPhone! Now what's next 130 years later (2140)??


I can see the picture just fine.

But it's this: How to Make a TV Antenna for HDTV | TV Antenna Plans

I'm using the latest version of Google Chrome. It happens in IE8 and Firefox 3.6.
I can see the picture just fine.

But it's this: How to Make a TV Antenna for HDTV | TV Antenna Plans

I'm using the latest version of Google Chrome. It happens in IE8 and Firefox 3.6.

Didn't happen for me and I'm using IE8.
My antivirus puts up a malware alert when clicking on that link. Google it and find it somewhere else.
I am glad that I've been able to curb energy efficiency the past year.

In 2007 and 2008 and some of 2009, I had supercomputers that sucked up a lot of energy. Talking about ~150 watts idle and ~250-300+ on full loads with those beast machines. In 2005, I hadn't upgraded my PC's yet so it kind of explains the sudden surge in average KWH consumption.

Lately beginning the end of December 2009 last year, I was trying to work on energy efficiency (and performance) for a change. I underclocked, undervolted and swapped components and the fruits of the labors are now showing itself out.

Average change was ~$-15 off the electricity bill, with no change in usage habits. Not bad at all.

For future PC builds I am always going to be looking at this perspective - idle and peak wattage load per KWH consumption ratios and the ability to underclock. Currently my main system runs at ~59-60w idle, with only a 24.7% difference in processing speed, not too noticeable unless under full load. A vast improvement over the previous.

Most of the credits of the discovery belong to stuff I read once in awhile on other forums. I'm glad it does make a difference if you try downgrading and looking at the "green" path.



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