A sticky situation?

I understand both their points... but the groom clearly has to put his foot down and tell the bride a clear NO for her ex-husband to be present at their wedding! It's their wedding and I am sure that a nice talk to the kids would make them understand why their father can't be there! And I am sure the ex-hubby will understand too.

If I were in the ex-hubby's position I would already refuse their invitation out of respect! And if the ex-hubby is wise enough, he will do that.

just my two cents since you asked for it ;)
I will share your points with my friend. She is still being bombared with her friend's issues with this situation so it seems like it hasnt been solved yet. Maybe she will pass that on to her friend and see if she will retract the invitation. I dont know if the ex-hubby has accepted it or not.