A/S/L/Hearing status?

I wonder if i've seen you around because cuz I moved out of Rochester recently after residing for almost 6 years.

... and I'm 25/F/Central NY/deaf

I dont think so bec I just moved to Rochester last fall. I dont plan on living in Rochester after I grad from RIT. Rochester s allright.
Oh well, everyone already knows me, here it is 21(soon)/Canberra/ Deaf

Damn it, there is an error in my quotation -- let me fix that for now.

20 (Soon to be 21)/ Male / Canberra, Australia / DEAF :afro:
male/28/gay/third native american third white third israeli/hearie... although i have been mistaken for Deaf quite a lot.
21/M/VA and a hearie I'm in college and next semester plan to take ASL courses but for now it's all self study
28/ *checks pants* F/Massachusetts (which as everyone knows comes from a Native American word meaning Place That is Hard to Spell) /and hoh all da way!
M'Chigeeng First Nation,
Wow...............that sounds neat! Ive always been curious about what First Nations life is like.
28/ *checks pants* F/Massachusetts (which as everyone knows comes from a Native American word meaning Place That is Hard to Spell) /and hoh all da way!
, Wow...............that sounds neat! Ive always been curious about what First Nations life is like.

They are the same like all reservations in United States. They don't have names like First Nation there. Here we might be a little bit different than in United States but still similiar like them. We don't call reservation but Reserve or REZ which is very common in all First Nations. But that is my life here and my husband was born and raise here on the Reserve which is his home. Funny thing is that the tradition is to have a husband come and live with his wife in her reservation in another area. I don't have my own reservation in United States as my family was kicked out of the reservation for intermarry outside of the race. It started when my great grandmother (my father's side) and my great grandfather (my mother's) married out side of their race. It was discrimination from the get go all the way down to our generations. We women have been talking about getting back into our tribal tradition and go into reservation with band cards, and benefits for us. I still don't have it yet. I talked to the chief and band council about us women who was married out side of our race to find solution to come back with all our benefits. The chief told me that it is the Indian Act that is making us suffer and the chief want to change that too as we women are not the only one, too. So I am fighting for my right. :fingersx:
Actually, we never denied your request... the feature is already there.

If you look at my profile, it has my birthday on it.

If you look under my name, it has my location on it. Since I don't want to give away my actual location, I made one up. As for the gender, I could simply place that right under my name... like I did a few months ago when I made an avatar saying, "I'm a guy, okay!?" ;)

I remember my deaf friends doing the ASL joke all the time. Whenever they got the usual annoying IM from someone asking, "Hello... ASL?"... my deaf friends would say, "Yes, I know ASL." ;)
Actually, we never denied your request... the feature is already there.

If you look at my profile, it has my birthday on it.

If you look under my name, it has my location on it. Since I don't want to give away my actual location, I made one up. As for the gender, I could simply place that right under my name... like I did a few months ago when I made an avatar saying, "I'm a guy, okay!?" ;)

I remember my deaf friends doing the ASL joke all the time. Whenever they got the usual annoying IM from someone asking, "Hello... ASL?"... my deaf friends would say, "Yes, I know ASL." ;)

That's funny! :rofl: It is true becuase "ASL" can be quite confusing for us all, depends if they really want to ask for the real A/S/L thing :giggle: Instead they would ask about teh ASL (American Sign Language)