A rant about hearing people!

pek1 said:

I am also HOH (70 dB SRT, if you doubt my 'credentials') and I have had 3 hearing audis in my life. Never had a problem with any of them respecting me (well, the second one ... but that wasn't b/c I was HOH, that was because I was a kid) or otherwise not understanding me.

How does being HOH make one a "hearie"? How does disagreeing on a matter like this make one a "hearie"? Just because we have been successsful in the hearing world doesn't mean we don't understand what being deaf is, nor that we are "rejecting" that part of ourselves.

For the record, I have been encouraged by my current audi, as well as various ENTs, to think about going for an AudD.
I have no problem with ANY audiologists, and nor had any bad experiences with them either, so I dunno, this is all new to me :dunno:
I don't think we should put all the blame on hearing audiologists, because it's not their fault that everyday in life becomes a struggle to communicate with hearing people, family, friends etc. You have to realized that it is frustrating for both hearing and deaf people, when some hearing people have no knowledge of sign language, is trying their hardest to communicate with deaf people, when the same thing we don't understanding them because we have to read their lips alone. Same thing applied to them when they are trying to understand us too by the way we speak. And yes it is very difficult, but that doesn't make it the audiologists fault.

There are hearing people out there that has no knowledge how to talk to a deaf person, never experience with any deaf before in their lifetime, Give them a chance, educated them. Learning takes time and practice. ;)

What make you think audiologists have no experience to understand hearing loss? They have appropriate degree, they have a job to test our hearing, and it's not their job to understand our needs when it comes to communicate with outside world. :)
ismi said:
I am also HOH (70 dB SRT, if you doubt my 'credentials') and I have had 3 hearing audis in my life. Never had a problem with any of them respecting me (well, the second one ... but that wasn't b/c I was HOH, that was because I was a kid) or otherwise not understanding me.

How does being HOH make one a "hearie"? How does disagreeing on a matter like this make one a "hearie"? Just because we have been successsful in the hearing world doesn't mean we don't understand what being deaf is, nor that we are "rejecting" that part of ourselves.

For the record, I have been encouraged by my current audi, as well as various ENTs, to think about going for an AudD.

My SRT is 85 DBL .. more than yours.. and I'm more close to deaf world.. I function in hearing world but live like a deaf in some ways..

I don't know why Pek1 considered me a hearie ???
Rose Immortal said:
Dude, are we all banned? I didn't see THAT rule anywhere when I signed up for this place... :P

Rose Immortal,

Let me look at your contract when I get into the office, okay? :naughty: Chances are you can stay, shoot, we all like you a lot anyway, RI! :hug: :lol: :cool: ;)
ecevit said:
My SRT is 85 DBL .. more than yours.. and I'm more close to deaf world.. I function in hearing world but live like a deaf in some ways..

I don't know why Pek1 considered me a hearie ???


I had to reread your comment and why I called you a troll and a hearie. My mistake and I apologize. However, the reason I probably said it is because "hearies" have done such WONDERFUL work on deaf/hoh people (notice the sarcasm) that I wonder why they think their way is better. I find it offensive when an audiologist doesn't understand when I explain the problems I'm having with my hearing aids. But, at the same time, the brain is a very strange instrument in our bodies . . . what I mean is that we can't pop them out and keep adjusting them, we have to wait for them to adjust to noise and whatever else. I had my hearing aids tweeked last week because they were both too loud and told my audiologist why I wasn't in sooner. She understood and agreed with what I said about the brain having to have time to adjust.
ismi said:
I am also HOH (70 dB SRT, if you doubt my 'credentials') and I have had 3 hearing audis in my life. Never had a problem with any of them respecting me (well, the second one ... but that wasn't b/c I was HOH, that was because I was a kid) or otherwise not understanding me.

How does being HOH make one a "hearie"? How does disagreeing on a matter like this make one a "hearie"? Just because we have been successsful in the hearing world doesn't mean we don't understand what being deaf is, nor that we are "rejecting" that part of ourselves.

For the record, I have been encouraged by my current audi, as well as various ENTs, to think about going for an AudD.

Please reread what I said (above). I misunderstood, didn't read her/his response and saying they were hoh, I had missed that. When I read forums here, I don't read every word in every sentence. I sometimes skip around to get to the gist of the discussion. I stand corrected and apologize to all.
pek1 said:
Please reread what I said (above). I misunderstood, didn't read her/his response and saying they were hoh, I had missed that. When I read forums here, I don't read every word in every sentence. I sometimes skip around to get to the gist of the discussion. I stand corrected and apologize to all.

Buddy :hug:
I don't think it's necessarily true that all grad schools exclude individuals who are deaf/HoH from being in an audiology program. I actually have my AuD, but I also came from a program taht was extremely supportive of having students with hearing loss. It may be harder, because there are situations that may be a little more difficult (listening, etc). but it can be done, and there is a group of audiologist who are deaf/hoh. They're out there, trust me! We've all become audiologists because we want to help others in whatever ways we can! There are also some programs that are more supportive than others (right now, the program I graduated from--has 2 students with hearing loss, and may have more in the future... I think I was something like the 4th or 5th student with a hearing loss that went through that particular program.)
I don't think it's necessarily true that all grad schools exclude individuals who are deaf/HoH from being in an audiology program. I actually have my AuD, but I also came from a program that was extremely supportive of having students with hearing loss. It may be harder, because there are situations that may be a little more difficult (listening, etc). but it can be done, and there is a group of audiologist who are deaf/hoh. They're out there, trust me! We've all become audiologists because we want to help others in whatever ways we can! There are also some programs that are more supportive than others (right now, the program I graduated from--has 2 students with hearing loss, and may have more in the future... I think I was something like the 4th or 5th student with a hearing loss that went through that particular program.)

:welcome: :gpost: Welcome aboard, missprism! Hope to read more of your posts in the future! I will be changing my avatar shortly so you will be able to see and meet Snickers, my hearing dog.
I took 2 grad level audiology classes in the audiology program at Gallaudet..there were several deaf/hoh people studying to become audiologists. The audiologist at my work is deaf with bilateral CIs.

She has had no trouble with her job.

Cloggy, u said u prefer hearing audi so what if Lotte wants to become an audi..what will u say to her?
I took 2 grad level audiology classes in the audiology program at Gallaudet..there were several deaf/hoh people studying to become audiologists. The audiologist at my work is deaf with bilateral CIs.

She has had no trouble with her job.

Cloggy, u said u prefer hearing audi so what if Lotte wants to become an audi..what will u say to her?

Good question. And audis don't necessarily need to hear....they read the guages on the testing equipment and watch for responses. Deaf can do that as well as hearing.
Good question. And audis don't necessarily need to hear....they read the guages on the testing equipment and watch for responses. Deaf can do that as well as hearing.

Gosh, I cant believe there are so many people out there that think deaf cant do this or that. Wow...
I did talk to someone who had a cochlear implant in her late teens studying to become an audiologist. She is graduated by now, of course. It seems to me she was doing well. I believe that there are just a few deaf audiologists.

I think that as long as you feel and believe in yourself about becoming anything you want, you can do it.
. . . I think that as long as you feel and believe in yourself about becoming anything you want, you can do it.

:gpost: And if a friend tells you that you can't do something because you can't hear, it's time to find a new friend and lose that one.
I just don't think it's the job of the Audi to relay the frustrations of being deaf. In fact, some deafies may not want to know about that or they may not care about it because they are not experiencing the same frustrations. The job of the Audi (as I understand it) is to conduct test's to assess ones level of hearing. Having said that I do believe that a deafee can be an audi I just don't think it's appropriate in the job context to express frustrations of being deaf.
My fmr audi was hoh and wore a very discreet CIC aid. I had no idea she was hoh until she told me. I knew she had a bit of a weird speech pattern but I thought it was because of her braces. (She was in her 30s and finally getting around to braces.)

She did mention to me once if I would ever consider going into Audiology, I didnt put much thought to it and said theres no way I could do that I need to hear in order to do that, then thats when she told me she was hoh and pulled out her aids to show me. I was amazed. Needless to say my foot was firmly inserted in my mouth at that point.

If I had the money and resources, I probably would consider it, but right now I just want to find something thats going to get me out of that chicken plant!