Deafmonkey!! Did you get that poor man pregnant?? I think you should send him $1.82 per week for child support! LOL!
Damn... that's freaky!
that really wired story for that man!
did you see that movie about Junior that ex-actor Arnold S. who play professor they become pregnant in the movies its really funny movie but i never heard that movie have baby.
Deafmonkey!! Did you get that poor man pregnant?? I think you should send him $1.82 per week for child support! LOL!
Actually probably you're next... Better check xray and to see if anything trapped inside your belly!
He didnt know abt it. He didnt want to know the detail what was going on.huh Gross because he keep this twin brother in 36 years. EWWWWWW
I've heard other stories like this before...why, I heard it has even happened to a 7 yr old kid who said he've been having stomach aches all the time and then was taken to the hospital to find out whats the problem was and as they opened his stomach, they were all surprised to see something that they never expected to see...another kid inside the kid's belly! however, the "fetus" in the kid's belly was long dead as the kid aged so yeah it is EXTREMELY rare for such things like that to happen in life.