A poll for smoking

What's your smoking status ?

  • I smoke and like it

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • I smoke and hate it

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • I don't smoke

    Votes: 23 67.6%
  • trashy poll

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • other

    Votes: 4 11.8%

  • Total voters
its been 3 weeks today that I haven't smoked!!!! yayaya for me! :)
pek1 said:
I no longer smoke and actually couldn't stand the smell when I did!

I couldn't stand the smell, either. I don't like the idea of it ruinin' my fragrances ( my shampooin'/conditionin' hair, almond oil scent on my skin after shower, and all ). Some deaf friends told me that they like the smell when I walk by them. lol I like the idea of them likin' that smell. Heh heh Some of them tellin' me that I smell like a wood in the forest. :lol:
I don't smoke. What's the point? I have very few family member who smokes. I don't like it. It smells bad, yellows your teeth, wrinkles you, cuts off oxygen the body needs, brown your lungs, ruins other people's clean air, costs money, etc.
I dont smoke, i have tried it once for about a week and i dont like it, ugh!
I cant understand why people like it..oh well.
Doesnt matter if people smoke or not, people still get cancer one way or other! I knew a couple of non-smokers who have died from lung cancers!!
weird huh? Look at George Burns! He lived to be, what? 101 years old, and he was a cigar smoker and it did NOT kill him, just old age, period! lol!
we could live, like real clean, fanatic health nuts and still get cancer, heh! my
crazy aunt did just that, she lived on carrot juice, no meat at all, all veggies, etc, still got rare type of cancer..esphogus cancer at the age of 54 years old..geez! its because of the environmental, genetics, whatever is the reason...i think.... :dunno:
RebelGirl said:
its been 3 weeks today that I haven't smoked!!!! yayaya for me! :)

Wow, you sure did it, Congratulation my little angel :hug: