A Parent's WORST Nightmare....

OMFG!!!! HOW COULD THEY DO THAT TO THAT POOR FAMILY!!!!!!!!! That makes me so angry how someone could do that!!! ok I can't even sy more than that because it pisses me off so much
Hey!! What happened to Eve's, Rebelgirls's and my posts that was
on other pages?? I noticed that they are GONE!!
Id like to know why! I would understand if they were offensive or
something like that but they were not except that Rebelgirl was a little
rude to Eve but thats nothing offensive or anything to that nature and
I was telling RG that Eve was talking about the article, nothing personal
to anybody.
I would like to know who was the MODERATOR who removed the posts
and WHY THE POSTS WAS REMOVED. i wished i was informed beforehand
as to why the posts needed to be removed cuz it really bothers me as i dont see anything wrong with these posts..i have seen alot worse than these,
really! Thank you, MODERATOR, in advance if you will answer my question.

Next time, please take it up in PMLand--there's no need to jump in a thread in the manner you have done so, it gives room for unneccessary drama to unfold here in AD as well as possibly causing confusion or mayhem among members. Please bear that in mind next time. Thank you! ;)

As for the reasons, purposes....etc, use the PM feature.

Whoa... there's something VERY fishy about this whole thing. Jeez!