A opinion about Christians whining about same sex marriage

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Adrenaline Junky
Premium Member
Aug 7, 2008
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Ask An Atheist » Christian Privilege: Not Being Allowed to Dominate Others Doesn’t Mean You’re Being Oppressed.

I thought this article/blog was a good read. I especially liked this part:

"If someone else is allowed to marry their same-sex partner, the anti-gay marriage advocate is affected in no way, oppressed in no way, their right to hold those beliefs is violated in no way.

Just as orthodox Jews aren’t victims of oppression when other people are allowed to legally watch television and use electric appliances on Saturday. Just as Muslims aren’t victims of oppression when other people are allowed to legally purchase alcohol. Just as Hindus aren’t victims of oppression when other people are legally allowed to eat beef."

It gives sort of a "duh!" moment.

I wonder what Christians have to say about this?
Right..that's what I dont understand. Do they own the idea of marriage?
wow that is danm it! I am shocked I am surprised I don't understand!
legal is very serious!
I don't understand what is marriage I am puzzled it no sense! stranger!
Wirelessly posted

I wish to reply but, unfortunately, a rule is rule no discussion about religion, sorry.
I am Christian. We supposed to love them all NO MATTER WHAT. Sadly, not many so called "Christians" love them. Exactly Westboro Bapist Church which has no sense at all.
I love gay people NO MATTER WHAT, I just respect them.
Tolerance....tolerance... for all?

For folks who say something like this: "Gays? Get married? No way! Oh! No, no, don't get me wrong I have gay friends... I love 'em!" --- burn in hell, ok? :)
religion Forbidden AD rule period!I wish I can't discuss posts
I wish to reply but, unfortunately, a rule is rule no discussion about religion, sorry.

Of note - this is generally only enforced when people are getting rude about it. If you don't want to share, that's fine, but the "religious ban" here I've basically only seen thrown about when religious posters want to claim that they're being oppressed, and then occasionally when a thread either starts to get extremely personal or has just gone on extremely long.

If you have something to say, say it!
It's true that the ban is largely ignored when non-Christians make posts that insult, make false statements about, mock, or denigrate Christians. When Christians make posts opposing the insults, false statements, mockery, and denigration, then the threads are more likely to get locked.
My opinion is that they're just a reflection of how humanity is like. I'm indifferent toward humanity in general.
Right..that's what I dont understand. Do they own the idea of marriage?
People don't but God does. He created marriage, and He created it for one man and one woman. He was very specific about what marriage was.
God does? I've yet to see anything he said himself. It's all been written down by men who claimed they know what God said. Give me a break.
God does? I've yet to see anything he said himself. It's all been written down by men who claimed they know what God said. Give me a break.

You, DC, are HISTORY on here!

So are you saying all those historical famous people who had THEIR words-of-mouth written down by others NEVER said those words written??

If .....throw all the history books out!
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Word of mouth written down, sure. But don't forget the bible was written 2,000 years ago. Back then they believed in many things, doesn't mean they were true. i.e. that the world was flat.

I do believe Jesus existed and that he was a wondering philosopher and that he became glorified to god-like status much like how the Thais are as reverent of their King as they are of their Buddha. both are sacred in their eyes.

i respect people wanting to believe and respect that they have their faiths but I resent them telling me how I should behave or what I should believe in because some fictional character said so. As far as i am concerned, the bible is a fairy tale filled with fables and parables to teach lessons in morality. Nothing more.
Word of mouth written down, sure. But don't forget the bible was written 2,000 years ago. Back then they believed in many things, doesn't mean they were true. i.e. that the world was flat.

I do believe Jesus existed and that he was a wondering philosopher and that he became glorified to god-like status much like how the Thais are as reverent of their King as they are of their Buddha. both are sacred in their eyes.

i respect people wanting to believe and respect that they have their faiths but I resent them telling me how I should behave or what I should believe in because some fictional character said so. As far as i am concerned, the bible is a fairy tale filled with fables and parables to teach lessons in morality. Nothing more.

Nobody force you to believe. I believe in God, Jesus and Bible by a choice.
As far as i am concerned, the bible is a fairy tale filled with fables and parables to teach lessons in morality. Nothing more.

Also if you think it is all fairy tale. So why Bible foresaw future always right? It wrote 2,000 years ago and they all are right. Just saying.
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