so this morning on the way to work... it was a very pleasant day because it was cool and not humid. Here I rumbling along down Hudson Parkway... I see this young guy on small Harley Sportser or similar but I was

because he was wearing just shorts and tshirt but hey - that's his choice.
There's this driver who was speeding and changing lane in unsafe manner like he's in a hurry. The Harley guy was about to change lane but the driver sped ahead, blocking him from changing lane. There was a small gap and Harley guy changed into it and also lane-splitted and went on ahead.
The opportunity opened up and the driver sped up, changed lane behind Harley guy in unsafe manner... and tailgating him. The Harley guy looks pissed and changed the lane. And then somewhere there... the Harley guy changed lane in front of driver and the driver was honking, speeding up, tailgating him in a very unsafe manner. The Harley guy was

, slowing down to give him a finger and was yelling at him.
I observed the whole thing from few cars behind and the whole situation was getting more dangerous every second. Wanting to defuse the situation - I sped up ahead and pulled up alongside of the driver. I pointed at the driver to grab his attention and made a gesture - "SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!! BE COOL!!!!!!!" The driver saw me and got startled.... and then he drove like a good boy. I think he thought I was a motorcycle cop
ah.... typical road rage....