I finally had time to read it today. I agree with you 100%. I rode 1979 Honda 750-4 Super Sport (Sport bike of the 70's) and it was only 5 years old at that time when I was 16 years old. MY brother own that bike and I stole his motorcycle and had a joy ride on it. It had lot of power because it's 4 cylinder 750cc engine. I admitted it's a mean bike back then and I nearly flew off the bike when I throttled up. I did 0 to 70mph in 3 seconds on 2nd gear. It's damn scary!!! Exactly like you said driving Ferrari I even did pop clutch and let tire burn rubber, it doesn't wheelie at all because of weight of 4 cylinder in front. Currently, I own Suzuki Volusia 800cc V-twin which is more powerful than my brother's motorcycle. It doesn't do 0 to 60 in 3 seconds at all because of weight of my motorcycle which is 1,025 lbs while my brother's motorcycle probably weighted around 500 lbs or wee bit less. My understanding that today's sport bike have lighter frames and rims with powerful engine which make it more dangerous for novice riders. I've seen several motorcycle accidents which all are of sport motorcycles. Riders are reckless and they think they are immune to anything. They don't understand that hitting a car at high speed is like hitting a cement wall.
Those who owns a Cruiser motorcycle like I do, I can go for 1,800cc which is very powerful cruiser and it can nearly compete sport bike but the handling of it doesn't match the sport bike. It can slip and slide at high speed during cornering because if its weight. Cruiser Motorcycle are not design for racing or high speed riding. It is made for pleasure rides. 1,800cc Cruiser are just exactly like a Cadillac and it rides very smooth on highway. Why 1,800cc? because it allows passing Cagers more quickly, that's simply as is.. It is for those who have long riding experience. I've seen some first time riders dropped their 1,200cc and up motorcycle because it is too heavy for them to handle during turns at slow speed. They did not develop skills and muscles to handle it. First time riders should start with 250cc cruiser like Yamaha Virago (cute little cruiser with cute little V-twin) up to 600cc then 650cc to 1,100 cc is for Intermediate rider and 1,200 and up for expert rider.
There are V8 "Hog" Cruiser motorcycle and I know I can handle it but it's way too powerful cuz just a little more twist of throttle at 70mph can burn rubber and can easily lose control, rest of it would be nasty cuz of 600lbs engine on frame which can kills you instantly if it tumbles on top of you or part of your body would be like covered meat to extra rough grinder.. I don't need V8 under my crotch. It's all about Egoism. It's not worth it because of very poor gas mileage and you can't have fun with group on a long trip unless you have extra gas tank on the trailer hitched to Hog.
I kinda jumped to 800cc bandwagon because I have experience riding 50cc moped for nearly 2 years and my brother's 750cc for a year nearly 30 years ago. My bike is heavy but I can handle very well cuz I have muscles

My son is first time rider and he don't have license. He kinda handle pretty well. He realized that my motorcycle is pretty heavy for him and it have long stopping distance. He nearly dropped my bike while I was riding as passenger, I stomped the ground quickly to upright it during stop. He now understood that it's not like his 22 speed bicycle at all. I told him that if he want to own one, he must take Motorcycle course for $200 bucks for his own safety because He never ridden moped and any motorcycle before.
So therefore Sport Motorcycle and Cruiser Motorcycle are different breeds.