A Motorcycle Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

left = my old bike (just sold it an hour ago)
right = my new (used) bike (just bought it on same day in afternoon)

same model, same engine, same everything except my bike was manufactured just a year before.... which means the new bike has redesigned fork. my old bike had blown shock, needed new tires/brakes/front wheel spacers/etc.... which can cost up to around $1,500. I was planning to get a different bike but I need a lot of time and research so I bought same one for now. at least now I've got a great bike for great trade-in value later on.

I took off my upgrades from my old bike and tomorrow - I will start installing all my old upgrades plus new upgrades.
I think you made a good decision and saved money at the same time.
:( in Iraq?

No. In Afghanistan. 3 killed instantly (the 3rd funeral was Sunday elsewhere in the state). There are several severely injured being treated at Walter Reed Hospital. All from the same suicide bomber.
We just lost another local biker last night. :(

Uricchio law firm founder killed in motorcycle wreck Monday night | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

Criminal Defense Attorney Charleston SC | Attorney Paul Uricchio

This has been a bad summer for local bikers.

We just had a fund raiser ride for another local rider, a PGR lady, this past Sunday. She survived but with a lot of injuries.

Then there was the young lady that I mentioned before. She's home now, in a wheelchair, still has a long recovery ahead.
hhhhmmmmmmm......... that's what my bike did. it was a blown shock. very expensive repair. that's why I sold my bike today and picked up a new (used) bike.... which is exactly same as mine but better.
Oh, no! :eek3:
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCIV) -- A fellow biker is reflecting on the life of a prominent Charleston attorney who was killed in a motorcycle accident on Monday.

Friends say Paul Uricchio, 69, was known simply as "Ricky." For more than forty years, Uricchio specialized in criminal and personal injury cases throughout the lowcountry.

"He was just of the guys," said Roger Burris, the president of Tri-County Bikers Helping Bikers. "He was very cheerful individual, very personable, very supportive of the biking community.

White chalk and red markings are the only remnants of the spot where Paul Uricchio suddenly lost his life. Police say he was riding on Meeting Street when he hit a raised median and lost control of his bike.

"I was very surprised," said Burris.

Burris remembers Paul as a man involved in several biker organizations and dedicated to helping those less fortunate.

"He was a member of Tri-County Bikers helping Bikers," said Burris. "He would always show up, show his support for different charities."

For the last seven year's, Burris' organization has helped injured bikers get back on their feet through generous donations. He says Paul did his part to help.

"If he had something to give away, he'd call us up and say, 'come and get them. I've got furniture or I've got this,'" he said.

While known for putting others before himself, Burris says fellow bikers once returned the favor when the roles were reversed.

"He had a wreck a few years ago and a couple of clubs helped him get his bike back together," said Burris.

Burris says the tragic passing serves as a reminder of just how precious life is.

"You're here today and gone tomorrow. Life is short. You just have to live it to your fullest," he said.

Uricchio is survived by his wife, Nancy.

Uricchio's law firm issued the following statement on behalf of the family:

"The Uricchio family would like to thank the community for their support and prayers during this difficult time. Funeral arrangements are currently pending."

Fellow biker remembers local attorney killed in accident - WCIV-TV | ABC News 4 - Charleston News, Sports, Weather
I got both of my bikes back from a mechanic that was trying to fix them. I need a GL1100 motor. :(

I might just decide to purchase a whole bike and use the one I have as a parts bike.

I really want to go to Deal's Gap. I have a friend that has a cabin up that way on 57 acres. He and his wife are both deaf.
Jim lost his bike in the High Park fire in Fort Collins Colorado
We are in Superior,CO right now. We were passed Fort Collins in few hours ago and it was sad to see a lot forest in burn.
Just today,

I ordered a new "replacement" flip up helmet, Bilt brand Matte Black color and have metal to metal flip up locking mechanism <<--- THAT'S WHAT I NEED!!!. My 2 years old helmet, TMS brand flip up helmet from Ebay is worn out and had cheap broken locking plastic to plastic mechanism that lasted 6 months of usage and afterward, I drilled and bolted it shut. Bilt Flip up helmet is on sale today and tomorrow in www.cyclegear.com website for $99.99, actual price was 199.99 so I thought why not grab higher quality helmet rather than Ebay cheap quality. New helmet have built in Visor so I can flip down internal visor, not needing my Rx sunglasses and I wanted it to last long time under my use and abuse (I'm not gonna whack someone with my helmet :rofl: ) I may have to figure out how to lock my new helmet to my bike because the helmet lock is behind left side saddlebag. I might have to figure out to move it to new location if all possible so I can secure my new helmet. I always stuck helmet on top of sissy bar and tied chin strap on tightly so It won't fall off or tilt to external visor side and get scratched up (my old one got scratched up inside cuz I didn't tighten the chin strap correctly)

I just got new Rx eyeglasses with High Index lens because my old glasses just broke last month and I was stuck wearing my Rx sunglasses for nearly a month and had to tell someone that I am not intimidate them with "mean" look of my face :squint: even at church and at work. :eek2: :giggle: With new helmet and dark internal visor would helps big time with my new glasses!! I'm happy man now :lol:

My foward control modification that I mentioned on previous post was great. I rode 2 hours trip from Shawnee, KS to Junction City, KS to visit someone. It sure helps my knee alot and comfortable on long trip.

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left = my old bike (just sold it an hour ago)
right = my new (used) bike (just bought it on same day in afternoon)

same model, same engine, same everything except my bike was manufactured just a year before.... which means the new bike has redesigned fork. my old bike had blown shock, needed new tires/brakes/front wheel spacers/etc.... which can cost up to around $1,500. I was planning to get a different bike but I need a lot of time and research so I bought same one for now. at least now I've got a great bike for great trade-in value later on.

I took off my upgrades from my old bike and tomorrow - I will start installing all my old upgrades plus new upgrades.


You can rebuild front fork. If you have your motorcycle maintenace book that explain how to remove fork and do dirty jobs. It's basically hydralics. Unbolt two big bolts and carefully remove shock section of fork and dump out oil then replace seals then pour in fresh oil (have to have long measuring stick or big syringe with exact cc of oil to fill inside of shock section evenly then bolt it back on. Then you end up "refurbished" shock on fork.

My Suzuki VL800 have information on how to repair front fork and change out shock oil. Right now, my shock is good so don't need to replace.

I agree that front fork are expensive. My VL800 can have chopper fork depending what rake degree I can choose, it have 9, 14, or 18 degree rake It can run as close as $2k for one.


I don't need to do fork modification anyway because I lowered rear shock by 2 inches which affect front fork's rake degree. It helps turn tight corner lot better than stock. I noticed big difference. I was wondering about if I lowered to 3" :hmm:

You can rebuild front fork. If you have your motorcycle maintenace book that explain how to remove fork and do dirty jobs. It's basically hydralics. Unbolt two big bolts and carefully remove shock section of fork and dump out oil then replace seals then pour in fresh oil (have to have long measuring stick or big syringe with exact cc of oil to fill inside of shock section evenly then bolt it back on. Then you end up "refurbished" shock on fork.

My Suzuki VL800 have information on how to repair front fork and change out shock oil. Right now, my shock is good so don't need to replace.

I agree that front fork are expensive. My VL800 can have chopper fork depending what rake degree I can choose, it have 9, 14, or 18 degree rake It can run as close as $2k for one.

AME Bolt-ON Chopper Kits Fit Suzuki VL800 /C50 Models


in BMW model - rebuilding fork is very difficult cuz it's different design. most people simply swap it with Yamaha fork - a much better design.
Just today,

I ordered a new "replacement" flip up helmet, Bilt brand Matte Black color and have metal to metal flip up locking mechanism <<--- THAT'S WHAT I NEED!!!. My 2 years old helmet, TRS brand flip up helmet from Ebay is worn out and had cheap broken locking plastic to plastic mechanism that lasted 6 months of usage and afterward, I drilled and bolted it shut. Bilt Flip up helmet is on sale today and tomorrow in Cycle Gear - Motorcycle Gear and Motorcycle Accessories - Cycle Gear website for $99.99, actual price was 199.99 so I thought why not grab higher quality helmet rather than Ebay cheap quality. New helmet have built in Visor so I can flip down internal visor, not needing my Rx sunglasses and I wanted it to last long time under my use and abuse (I'm not gonna whack someone with my helmet :rofl: ) I may have to figure out how to lock my new helmet to my bike because the helmet lock is behind left side saddlebag. I might have to figure out to move it to new location if all possible so I can secure my new helmet. I always stuck helmet on top of sissy bar and tied chin strap on tightly so It won't fall off or tilt to external visor side and get scratched up (my old one got scratched up inside cuz I didn't tighten the chin strap correctly)

I just got new Rx eyeglasses with High Index lens because my old glasses just broke last month and I was stuck wearing my Rx sunglasses for nearly a month and had to tell someone that I am not intimidate them with "mean" look of my face :squint: even at church and at work. :eek2: :giggle: With new helmet and dark internal visor would helps big time with my new glasses!! I'm happy man now :lol:

My foward control modification that I mentioned on previous post was great. I rode 2 hours trip from Shawnee, KS to Junction City, KS to visit someone. It sure helps my knee alot and comfortable on long trip.


broken piece? what about helmet warranty? mine has 5-years warranty.
I just went to my parents' condo management office to express my complaint because few days ago, we just got flyers posted all over saying that people need to move their bicycles/motorcycles to "assigned spots" because people were leaving their bicycles/motorcycles (including me) just about "anywhere". bicycles should be at bicycle locker room but about motorcycle - it's another issue.

parking spot in this condo is very expensive and it's very silly to buy a parking spot just for 1 motorcycle when 1 parking spot can take up at least 5-7 motorcycles. I suggested that they should have a motorcycle-only parking spot just 1-2 floors next to entrance for a very reasonable yearly fee like $50 a year. I explained that it should be 1-2 floors next to entrance because since our parking garage is multi-decks, the "driveway" is a circular path. it is very hazardous for bikers to go up/down since road condition is not safe. it's dusty or there are some slippery fluids. there are concrete pillars as dividers so it's exactly like Princess Di's accident :Ohno:

the management took it under advisement about that safety issue but they were already considering about motorcycle-only parking spot.
I just bought Ohlins rear shock. I'm extremely excited. it was a steal of the year. only $600... brand new.


MSRP is nearly $1,000
my god..... I spent over 10 hrs working on my bike. took everything apart to inspect every nook and cranny.... installed HID kit.... my tank top bag... GPS.... it was very difficult to install HID kit because of my bike's very very very very limited available space for ballast kits.

I didn't install rest of the electronic stuff because it was troublesome as mentioned above so I'll need to build my own fuse panel like this -


paying $600 is one thing for the best shock in the world but I'm not willing to pay $55 for some fuse panel that I can build with parts from radio shack for probably $10. fuse panel is really a great thing to have in your bike if you have more than 2 accessories. this is very convenient to have because you'll have all devices connected to one fuse panel which also will be turned off if bike is off.

I definitely know purplecatty knows this :lol: but I'll explain anyway - in order to have all of your devices to be shut off when your bike is off, you'll need a relay - commonly found at any auto store or perhaps radio shack. all you have to do is connect any electrical wiring that comes on if you turn on your bike such as horn, brake light, etc. to relay and then connect relay to fuse panel so that when you turn on bike, it will activate the relay which will activate the fuse panel. very simple. most people simply connect accessories straight to battery meaning... the wire's always hot. not good..... a bike with dead battery at parking lot... expensive towing...

I didn't want to strip/cut my bike's wiring because it's a hassle and it can be damaged later on due to wear and tear & weather so I bought some posi-locks. very cheap. very easy. and very amazing :)


gotta wait for pos-locks and shock in mail *rubbing my hands*. all these upgrades will definitely increase my trade-in value if I want to buy R-series bike.
my god..... I spent over 10 hrs working on my bike. took everything apart to inspect every nook and cranny.... installed HID kit.... my tank top bag... GPS.... it was very difficult to install HID kit because of my bike's very very very very limited available space for ballast kits.

I didn't install rest of the electronic stuff because it was troublesome as mentioned above so I'll need to build my own fuse panel like this -


paying $600 is one thing for the best shock in the world but I'm not willing to pay $55 for some fuse panel that I can build with parts from radio shack for probably $10. fuse panel is really a great thing to have in your bike if you have more than 2 accessories. this is very convenient to have because you'll have all devices connected to one fuse panel which also will be turned off if bike is off.

I definitely know purplecatty knows this :lol: but I'll explain anyway - in order to have all of your devices to be shut off when your bike is off, you'll need a relay - commonly found at any auto store or perhaps radio shack. all you have to do is connect any electrical wiring that comes on if you turn on your bike such as horn, brake light, etc. to relay and then connect relay to fuse panel so that when you turn on bike, it will activate the relay which will activate the fuse panel. very simple. most people simply connect accessories straight to battery meaning... the wire's always hot. not good..... a bike with dead battery at parking lot... expensive towing...

I didn't want to strip/cut my bike's wiring because it's a hassle and it can be damaged later on due to wear and tear & weather so I bought some posi-locks. very cheap. very easy. and very amazing :)


gotta wait for pos-locks and shock in mail *rubbing my hands*. all these upgrades will definitely increase my trade-in value if I want to buy R-series bike.

Nothing beat heat shrink tubing and soldering. It's perfect for low price and weatherproof. All factory for auto and diesel do like that. Also most mechanics do that.


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