A Morning In The Hospital


Active Member
May 1, 2003
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This morning I had to take my elderly father to the hospital for a pre-examination before he goes on dialysis in the following weeks. As I sat in the waiting room, a man with his adult children entered the room. The man was in a wheel chair but what caught my eye was the CI by his right ear. Every inch of me was heightened with eagerness to start a manual interchange. But in the hearing world I would never just approach a stranger suddenly and taking him/her by surprise. So I followed my initial feeling to stop and wait before proceeding. I indirectly kept my focus on the group with ears wide open. I saw one of them (not the old man with the CI) do some very simple hand gestures and I thought that that was a good sign. But I waited a little longer. Then, in a loud voice, the old man spoke and to my surprise he was talking in Spanish. Then I notice that being black and having that familiar Spanish accent meant that the group was Dominican. That kind of cooled my engines. Another tongue means another sign language (SSP). So I figured what was the use in trying. They did not know ASL. It was unlikely they did.

So that’s what happened this morning in the hospital.

International sign problems aside, how is your father?
Whoa... what huge bold letters! ;)

Anyways, it has happened to be before. I'm about to approach a person for some reason, then after seeing something... I realize that communication isn't possible. Heh!
International sign problems aside, how is your father?

Thank you Chase for your concern. He is doing the best he can. But every time I take him to see his doctors they have bad news. It's a day-to-day thing with my father and family. My dad is a trooper though and that's a good thing. Positive thinking is vital in his (our) case.

Thank you again Chase for your concern.

I am prayer for your dad too :)