A how old kid can alone in auto for short time....

I would not leave kids alone in the car, no matter what their ages.

There's two exceptions I make---a specific gas station only because I can park right in front of the door and watch them less than 5 ft away. Same with a contract post office.

Anywhere else, it's too risky so I take the kids in with me.
If you're in my local (California) when a peace officier see your kid alone in underage, good luck- may either: arrest, cite you a ticket, or send you to court. I would highly recommend you to leave kids alone in the car at 15 years old or older where they have a better common sense, sense of feelings when bad comes, have a ability to fight back (i.e. screaming, yelling, kicking back, throws fists, spit at, talk back, and more).

If i were you, im not gonna leave kids alone in the car. NO WAY! this today's society is really a lot different than in our eras.
Like everyone else, I wouldn't leave a kid in the car at any age. Too many things can happen. If you can't take them with you, it's best to leave a young child in the care of someone responsible.
Interest here.

So here saying, those kids should not be allowed outside without parents or adult superisors? Or those kids should not be allowed to walk to bus stop without adult? Or those kids should not be allowed to go in public restroom alone? And many more.....More power to fear.
I never left my neice in the car for a split sec. I always brought her with me even if I had to make a short quick stop like get gas. Its not wise to leave children in car alone for whatever reason. I am not sure exact what is the appropriote age maybe 13-up sounds about right. Maybe, someone here has the correct age.
I wouldn't recommend it.

There was an incident at the local video rental store that I used to work at. This woman had a boy who stayed in the car. She ran in to rent a movie. She was only in for 5 minutes, but when she got back to her car... her kid was fast asleep. Worse... he locked the door (cuz he likes to play with the lock/unlock switch). Knocking on the window wouldn't wake him up. (No, he wasn't deaf... he's one of those people who don't wake up to sounds.) She gave a couple of my employees to rock the mini-van. So, they did.

Well, it worked. He woke up. Unfortunately, one of the employees was standing right at the window where he was sleeping. When he woke up, the first thing he saw was a big black guy standing at the door yelling. He screamed his head off. The employee backed off and the mother walked up. He finally unlocked the doors and she got in.

(Of course, she thanked the guys... but I don't know about the boy.) ;)
No matter how old your kids are, DO NOT friggin' leave them in the car whilst running off to do errands. Take them with you.
I remember the story few years ago. The girl were 12 and 13 years old, they were sleeping. At the gas station, man stole that car because a mother left a keys there. Man drove that car really quickly but a mother did not realize that her car was gone less than 3 mintues to pay cash inside the gas station.

Then, end up man murdered those girls. They never saw those girls again. It occurred somewhere place in out west. I cant remember what year or place, I was not reading that article more details because it made my stomach sick. Hate to hearing more rapes, murder and kindapp children.

The parents are more and more busier, never home due to cost of living highly. They usually leave their children alone at home around 8 years old nowadays. Parents got home around 530 to 6pm. Imagine, kids alone 3 to 4 hrs everyday with house lock. It is scared !

They cant afford to pay for Day Care or babysitter
I wouldn't leave a kid in a car alone no matter how old they are.

It isn't like the old days when it was okay to leave a kid in a car for few minutes.