A Hearing Aid thread for Sweetmind

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Sweetmind said:
You mean you will be always his wife. ;) That is his choice to make since he is an adult that I can respect that.

OOps I wish I never posted this topic .. I got the wrong place here.. Oh well!

Good bye! it is so worthless topic here..

And yet you complained that you WANTED a HA-themed thread.... like I said - there is NO pleasing you is there?
Liebling:-))) said:
I haven't wear HA for 20 years since Public Healthy Insurance support CI to HA. I have to buy batteries for HA by my own pocket and if I want CI then Public Health Insurance support 100%, no matter what.

I have to pay myself if I want to renew hearing aid which it's not right. I wish Public Health Insurance treat CI and HA users fair. *sigh*

I agree with you, HA are very costly and every insurance should cover the cost of those who really need it. And the battery! I went a whole year without HA until I found better insurance to pay for it, never again want to go without sound. I like it too much :)
I'm getting CI soon, surgery not too long now and looking forward to it, as they going to do my no residual hearing ear so I can keep wearing my HA with it.
Nice to meet ya!
I do agree that HAs should be covered by health insurance. After all, they cover prosthetics for those missing limbs, why wouldn't they cover HAs? :dunno:
Boult said:
but is he getting a better hearing aid to try first?

He can hear HA anything communcation by the phone but not enough picking up the other tiny thing sounds coming from.. but used wearing HA for many years... until stopped wearing 6 yrs.. Due his work need hear the whistle blows and alarm blaring becuase of his company plant really heavy loud enivorment.. He didn't hear anything whistle or alarm blaring only picked it up noise enivorment.. So decide to go hearing test yesterday. The lady told him you're quailifty ci.. What my husband's reacts.. shock.. wasn't planned for ci.. just asking for HA qualifty techogly better.. afterall, He hasn't made his decision about getting ci.. Right now, He still mixes emotions about ci..

Honestly He has been anti-ci... for many years.. until yesterday.. lady told him you're qualifty for ci.. He shocked!

That's it!
Sweetmind said:
Good bye! it is so worthless topic here..

That's funny you should say that. Really. No one would have expected it.
neecy said:
And yet you complained that you WANTED a HA-themed thread.... like I said - there is NO pleasing you is there?


*bringing finger to nose* You got it.
Malfoyish said:

*bringing finger to nose* You got it.

:) thanks

(and I wanna say I LOVE that avatar!!!! )
Eve said:
I do agree that HAs should be covered by health insurance. After all, they cover prosthetics for those missing limbs, why wouldn't they cover HAs? :dunno:

That's how I got my last pair (partially) covered, by calling it a "hearing prosthesis". :whistle:
neecy said:
Your guess is as good as mine. She had a tantrum that "HER" HA thread was destoryed by audists and people talking about CI's..and yet when I told her I remade the thread for her with the explicit request no CI -related talk she complained I was "telling her what to do."

There's NO reasoning with that woman.

i found some time to read the entire thread she put up (well, i skimmed through a lot of the looonnnggg harangues she posted) and even burst out laughing sometimes :lol: )

so anyways i am profoundly deaf and grew up wearing those large hearing aids in a kind of a "bra thingy" when i was little, and eventually got smaller HAs until high school when i realized that everyday after wearing the HA all day, i would take it off -- then my ears start ringing, then i get dizzy and finally i get queasy to my stomach -- i got smart and said these things don't any good for me and put them away. it has been over 30 years and i sure don't miss them at all! i did hear sounds but i can't tell the difference...
Audiofuzzy said:
well there you go :) no thread can last long w/o the CI subject :)
I don't mind though.

Please remember - you are still deaf with CI. CI just help to hear you better than regular HA or if your hearing deteriorated so much so regular HAs does not help anymore.

I think a job is enough important reason to think it over. he can always be "just deaf" at home.


there you go with an important point fragmenter brought up to us -- our grandson will STILL be deaf when he takes it off
neecy said:
And yet you complained that you WANTED a HA-themed thread.... like I said - there is NO pleasing you is there?

ha ha -- i know a lot of deaf people like her and i finally figured that if i just don't say anything, i get more peace that way -- it's a total waste of my time trying to help them "wake up" and they ALWAYS have to have the last word AND on THEIR terms :dunno:
greema said:
ha ha -- i know a lot of deaf people like her and i finally figured that if i just don't say anything, i get more peace that way -- it's a total waste of my time trying to help them "wake up" and they ALWAYS have to have the last word AND on THEIR terms :dunno:
I knew you were a smart lady! :fly:
GalaxyAngel said:
He can hear HA anything communcation by the phone but not enough picking up the other tiny thing sounds coming from.. but used wearing HA for many years... until stopped wearing 6 yrs.. Due his work need hear the whistle blows and alarm blaring becuase of his company plant really heavy loud enivorment.. He didn't hear anything whistle or alarm blaring only picked it up noise enivorment.. So decide to go hearing test yesterday. The lady told him you're quailifty ci.. What my husband's reacts.. shock.. wasn't planned for ci.. just asking for HA qualifty techogly better.. afterall, He hasn't made his decision about getting ci.. Right now, He still mixes emotions about ci..

Honestly He has been anti-ci... for many years.. until yesterday.. lady told him you're qualifty for ci.. He shocked!

That's it!

If he has mixed feelings it might be worth getting a second opinion just to be sure there isn't a HA for him? CI eligibility has changed a lot in the past few years as well, which is another factor.

I hope he finds a solution that is best for him! I was very happy with my HAs but suddenly lost my remaining hearing so onto CIs we go.
Er.... :zzz:...hack, cough, snort, rubbing eyes and sputtering awake! Were you saying something? Grumble, grumble, nothing new under the sun...you woke me up for this?!?!? :zzz:
Oh gosh.... Sweetmind just lost all credibility in my eyes..

Well I am not giving up so easily... I was hoping some thing's will get thru to her. but she is like broken unrecordable record..

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