A deaf girl aged 7 dies by cochlear implant.

I agree some doctors try to make more $$ off their patients but don't forget that HMOs and other medical insurances and big pharmacies companies are making HUGE profits off the patients. So its a whole lot of folks sucking all the $$ out of the whole medical system. That sucks.

Yes I agree, too... It's not just CI but anything in general way (including affect me in 2000).

My ankle fractured due stair accident in October 2000. I saw from X-Ray that it's only a little fractured. I have plaster on my ankle and stay in the hospital for a week. Of course I talked about my trip plan to Australia in December 2000 which it's 3 months time... They said that plastic will be removed up to 7 to 8 weeks... *Phew*.... One doctor came to visit me and said that it's private visit and want to question me about Australia because his 11 years old son has a brain tumor and heard good reputation about Brain tumor specialist in Australia and want the address and phone number... and then warned me about doctors visit within one hour later for want to suggest me to have an operation on my ankle... Please say NO to operation. I was like Huh? :eek3: Few hours later after private visit between me and a doctor then the professor and doctors came to visit me and make suggestion for have surgery to correct my bones of ankle. I ignored their suggestion and then questions either I can go Australia this December if I have it surgery done? The doctors said nothing for a while then said that we do not need to have surgery but leave with plaster for long weeks... I said: Good, I choose to leave it alone without surgery... 2 ladies on my bedsides said that doctors are :crazy: What is that? Of course MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank for doctor to warn me before the doctors visit...
By the way, afterall,
I hope rest of all Doctor or parents... Please please carefully check their vaccine first before prior the surgery..

I do support you all rest of it but IM NOT HERE FOR ANTI-CI ok..

Just bear this one ok.
Wishes you have great luck!
(hugs group)
Oh Kalista. Your attempt to discredit the CI is transparent. The title you chose for the thread is quite misleading and is clearly an attempt to meet your anti CI agenda. You must not think very highly of the intelligence of folks on this board. Anyone that has half a brain and reads the article will see the truth and the deception you attempt to portray. Do you honestly believe it was the CI that caused her death? Please! Even the title of the article says that she died from menengitis, not the CI. Everyone knows that anyone can get menengitis. My son contracted it and is now deaf as a result. Many kids that are hearing die from menengitis every year. All kids hearing and deaf, with or without a CI should be vaccinated.

The only valid point here is that a child with a CI does have an increased risk of contracting meningitis and should therefore be vaccinated. This is something that the parents were aware of but neglected to follow up on and it's tragic that they lost their daughter becuase they were not pro active in getting her vaccinated. If you want to do something constructive, why not become an advocate for mandatory vaccinations prior to CI surgury?
As Rock drummer said, agenda driven thread. Kalista, I brought this issue up several days ago. I dont recall hearing a response from you about it. Well....
any statements regarding you biased title for this? We are waiting:whistle:
Oh Kalista. Your attempt to discredit the CI is transparent. The title you chose for the thread is quite misleading and is clearly an attempt to meet your anti CI agenda. You must not think very highly of the intelligence of folks on this board. Anyone that has half a brain and reads the article will see the truth and the deception you attempt to portray. Do you honestly believe it was the CI that caused her death? Please! Even the title of the article says that she died from menengitis, not the CI. Everyone knows that anyone can get menengitis. My son contracted it and is now deaf as a result. Many kids that are hearing die from menengitis every year. All kids hearing and deaf, with or without a CI should be vaccinated.

The only valid point here is that a child with a CI does have an increased risk of contracting meningitis and should therefore be vaccinated. This is something that the parents were aware of but neglected to follow up on and it's tragic that they lost their daughter becuase they were not pro active in getting her vaccinated. If you want to do something constructive, why not become an advocate for mandatory vaccinations prior to CI surgury?

I agree. When I first saw the thread when it was first posted, I got goosebumps and a tight feeling in my stomach thinking that CIs actually caused a child to die but then I read the article and I was like..oooh boy.
Oh Kalista. Your attempt to discredit the CI is transparent. The title you chose for the thread is quite misleading and is clearly an attempt to meet your anti CI agenda. You must not think very highly of the intelligence of folks on this board. Anyone that has half a brain and reads the article will see the truth and the deception you attempt to portray. Do you honestly believe it was the CI that caused her death? Please! Even the title of the article says that she died from menengitis, not the CI. Everyone knows that anyone can get menengitis. My son contracted it and is now deaf as a result. Many kids that are hearing die from menengitis every year. All kids hearing and deaf, with or without a CI should be vaccinated.

The only valid point here is that a child with a CI does have an increased risk of contracting meningitis and should therefore be vaccinated. This is something that the parents were aware of but neglected to follow up on and it's tragic that they lost their daughter becuase they were not pro active in getting her vaccinated. If you want to do something constructive, why not become an advocate for mandatory vaccinations prior to CI surgury?

this is a PERFECT EXAMPLE!!! :thumb:
of what i have been trying to say in my previous posts for instance--- if you look at my post#99:
i got a forwarded email from a friend from someone (not naming names)... but they went on and on about how CI was deadly because of the girl (sigh)... and REFUSE TO GET CI and ARE AGAINST CI because of what happened to the little girl! AND even tried to force me and others to BELIEVE IT to get on their "side"!!??? :ugh:... they obviously DIDN'T READ CAREFULLY like i have been trying to emphasize all along about them "jumping to conculsions with reading carefully or understanding/getting the real facts"...

then people will get misinformed-- spread the wrong information out to the deaf community like a EPIDEMIC to try to "discourage" those CI candidates or potentials which is very unfair... sheesh....

it is ok to DISAGREE... but to DISCOURAGE people-- it is JUST NOT RIGHT!!! i mean i know some who had tummy tuck... but i don't degrade them... i just give them my support regardless.... we should be given the same respect that we give them as well!!!
:nodding: Yeah I definitely agree with everything you guys said above, I too don't think it's right to force someone to get them at their side, yet I do hear people out even if I do not agree with them because everyone is entitled to their opinion, and about title of this thread, that just what this member sees it as, so I'll just let it be if it's still misleading, cause we can't change people for how they see things, even if it's not true....Let's others read the article and decide for themselves....
Angel, I respectfully disagree. I feel that as a member of a community, or culture, if someone is spreading false info (whether intentional or not), you have an obligation to others in the community to correct the info. If you do not address the problem, you are allowing misinformation to thrive. Lies, rumors and propagnda can never help anything. By standing quietly on the sidelines and saying nothing, you only add merit to the lie.
True, I can truly understand your point there Lily's dad, but however when it comes to people who strongly do not believe in implanting a child with CI without the child's involvement in this, even through I've tried to provide links, sources etc, it still will not change the person's view for how she/he see it, I personally do not like to get into a heated argument with someone who's strongly opposite of having a child being implanted with CI, so normally I just let them have their say cause they're entitled to their opinion...That's why there are sources, facts, informations etc out there for people to find out for themselves....I won't stop you from informing others the truth about CI, and I'm not trying to remain silence, I just don't feel like agrue with someone who not going to listen....
True, I can truly understand your point there Lily's dad, but however when it comes to people who strongly do not believe in implanting a child with CI without the child's involvement in this, even through I've tried to provide links, sources etc, it still will not change the person's view for how she/he see it, I personally do not like to get into a heated argument with someone who's strongly opposite of having a child being implanted with CI, so normally I just let them have their say cause they're entitled to their opinion...That's why there are sources, facts, informations etc out there for people to find out for themselves....I won't stop you from informing others the truth about CI, and I'm not trying to remain silence, I just don't feel like agrue with someone who not going to listen....
Hmm.. I see your point Angel but to keep this in perspective we are not talking about the subject of a child being implanted. We are talking about misleading people by presenting something to be other than what it is. Go to the very first post and look at the thread title and look directly under it at the title of the article. After seeing that do you honestly think that this thread was titled appropriatly? Also consider the source.
Hmm.. I see your point Angel but to keep this in perspective we are not talking about the subject of a child being implanted. We are talking about misleading people by presenting something to be other than what it is. Go to the very first post and look at the thread title and look directly under it at the title of the article. After seeing that do you honestly think that this thread was titled appropriatly? Also consider the source.


I don't mind if people have viewpoints against children being implanted, fair enough I respect them. But when they spread misleading information like that hearing aids are a just as good option for such children I get worried because I would like for anyone who is going to make a decision in this area to have all the correct facts.

Also I have absolutely no doubt that the original poster has an agenda and her post was titled to SCARE. That's why we haven't seen her back even though we've had quite a calm and level headed discussion about the issue.
True, I can truly understand your point there Lily's dad, but however when it comes to people who strongly do not believe in implanting a child with CI without the child's involvement in this, even through I've tried to provide links, sources etc, it still will not change the person's view for how she/he see it, I personally do not like to get into a heated argument with someone who's strongly opposite of having a child being implanted with CI, so normally I just let them have their say cause they're entitled to their opinion...That's why there are sources, facts, informations etc out there for people to find out for themselves....I won't stop you from informing others the truth about CI, and I'm not trying to remain silence, I just don't feel like agrue with someone who not going to listen....

Yea, I can relate..there are some times I just dont feel like getting into a debate with someone who is not willing to open his/her minds or who is already dead set on one way of thinking. Sometimes, it is better to pick your battles. As for the title of the thread, I wanted to make a comment but I already knew this person is very set against CIs and I knew that it wasnt a battle I was willing to get myself into. If that person was more open to constructive criticism, then maybe I would have said something when the thread was first started. I think that is what Angel is trying to say?
Yea, I can relate..there are some times I just dont feel like getting into a debate with someone who is not willing to open his/her minds or who is already dead set on one way of thinking. Sometimes, it is better to pick your battles. As for the title of the thread,I wanted to make a comment but I already knew this person is very set against CIs and I knew that it wasnt a battle I was willing to get myself into. If that person was more open to constructive criticism, then maybe I would have said something when the thread was first started. I think that is what Angel is trying to say?

Right, Thank you! you save me from explain myself more farther! LOL

I don't mind if people have viewpoints against children being implanted, fair enough I respect them. But when they spread misleading information like that hearing aids are a just as good option for such children I get worried because I would like for anyone who is going to make a decision in this area to have all the correct facts.

Also I have absolutely no doubt that the original poster has an agenda and her post was titled to SCARE. That's why we haven't seen her back even though we've had quite a calm and level headed discussion about the issue.
Exactly. There is nothing wrong with someone expressing their opinion on children being implanted. However, it crosses the line when they spread outright lies and deception to meet an agenda. The funny thing is that you dont' see people whom are pro CI using those dark tactics. It really speaks volumes about the kind of person you are dealing with. Another thing to consider is that if you want to be taken serioiusly, then you cant propagate mis-information and lies. Once it's discovered that you use these tactics, anyone with half a brain will no longer take you seriously. IMO she is hurting her cause more than helping it.
Right, Thank you! you save me from explain myself more farther! LOL

Whew! I hate to speak for other people without asking them first but I just had to do it. Ha!

No problem. U are welcome!
All surgeries have risks. Implants are at greater risk since implants involve foreign objects that can sometimes cause problems in our bodies. Breast implants. Bullets. Nails. Etc.