Wife and husband was getting ready to bed and reading the magazine. Husband getting full in his stomach and farted in the bed loudy that vibrates the bed. His wife asked him, what's that? Her husband told him that, "Touchdown! 6 to 0". His wife said nothing to him. Later on, his wife farted loudy and vibrated the bed too. Her husband asked her, what's that? She told him that its, "Touchdown.. TIE 6 to 6". He decided that, can't allow to be TIE.. He wants to beat her, and so he tried to fart in the bed again.. He tries really hard, but all his gas in his stomach is all gone from his first one. He keeps trying and trying... and accidently pooped all over his side of the bed(vibrated). Her wife asked him, what's that? He told him, "Half-time! swiches the side!"