A confession to make...

Have Smith and Wesson get rid of it.

Not a good idea. LOL. Knowing me, I would end up with holes all in my house and being sprayed.

Confession. I will call the pros tomorrow. Hopefully they don't charge too much. This is getting ridiculous.
Not a good idea. LOL. Knowing me, I would end up with holes all in my house and being sprayed.

Confession. I will call the pros tomorrow. Hopefully they don't charge too much. This is getting ridiculous.

Check this out:
I need help with some skunks? - Yahoo! Answers

Alyx said:
I need help with some skunks..
Right now for the past 2 days i've had some skunks come into my yard like on the first day i had one skunk in my yard and hide underneath my shed and the nexyt day i had like three more come and now i have like six and i'm scared to go water my plants or let my dog out side for too long either... please help me get rid of these skunks please P.S. i dont want to call that wild animl control because i don't want these little devils to get hurt so please help...

mataharirules said:
I am going through this right now.. so wait for my full answer!
Go to Walmart, buy 5 boxes of MOTH BALLS get some old nylons or buy those little .33 cent onces they have on the rack/baskets. You will also need foil pie plates and duct tape Put some moth balls in the nylons and tie the ends.

Put the little nylon packages all around the shed and under anywhere that it is dark.. they hate the smell.

place moth balls in pie plate put another on top and duct tape the 2 together, poke holes in the pie plates and put them alll around your yard outside

contact a landscaping company if you are not a "do it yourselfer" tell them you want your yard airated ( they poke holes in the grass) and you want grub control put out.. Milky Spoor is a good alternative to chemicals if you can get it.

The skunks love grubs, and your lawn is probably full of them. Skunks HATE light, so if you have a high powered flash light or a light bulb on an extension cord put that under your deck for 6 to 10 days left ON..

Skunks hate moth balls. place them everywhere (my yard smells like my grandmas house but hey, the skunks hate it here now)..

Skunks are not aggressive, it takes alot to make one angry. If you opt for trapping, remember that if you have a trapper come onto the property the skunk is usually put down due to rabies. If you trap it you can release it onto the furthest point of your property or take it to a national forest... Make sure you cover the cage BEFORE you bait it. Have a Heart makes good cages.

Let me know if you need more info
My Source(s):
Same issue same time excellent solutiion, worked in a vet

maybe worth a try before you shell out inflated prices for the TERMINATOR.
Can Scrappy 'sic em? He should be the same size as the skunk!
Other notes, I think a tip I heard before was that skunks hate light. If you get a real strong flashlight on it, maybe it'll run away.

Tried that.

Tried moth balls

Covered the hole with rocks. It just dug another one.

If the "critter catcher" charges too much I will invest in a cat trap. and cover it with a shower curtain.

Some one also told me to play music with a lot of bass. :dunno: that they hate bass and noise and will cause them to leave.
My little dog will run from it. He runs from the cat. :giggle:

Maybe you could get one of these:

I confess... I watch Family Guy. Even though I think it is stupid. lol :wave:

I make the best Lasagna. I could eat it everyday for a month and not get tired of it. :cool2:

I am a carb addict. I could live on bread and water. Especially Hawaiian sweet bread!
I have more than one favorite color. :naughty:
I watched on T.V. today, and I was too upset to watch a man to kill variety of animals at a slaughterhouse. Poor pigs, poor sheep, poor chickens, etc. I wanted that man to be slaughtered! Undercover TV - exposing factory farming and the mistreatment of animals It's because he has no mortal for any animals.

That's why everyone should try to become a vegetarian as best as you can so that I would be grateful for you.
Another confession:

I like Brussel Sprouts. They are like mini cabbages...

I tried to be a Vegan... but I love meat. :shock:

I don't have a dominate hand... ooops
I confess that I'm bord..Arkansas got beat at the last second by Tenn. :( And supposely we are suppose to get good football signers..