I am glad that you are okay. Whew!
Whoa Jolie, thankful nothing very serious accident happened and lucky it was an little clipping, plus you are also still alive. I'm glad you are ok.

Oceanblue, I'm glad you are ok too, thanks goodness no damages to your car. hugz
I bet it was so scary to get close call, Jolie and Oceanblue.

SG You know, If the car was totaled, It can always be replaced but a life cannot even be replaced at all. You can replace anything you want to, fix a damaged wall that was backed up by a car or anything else but not a life.
I cant imagine the grief that your friend went thru with her baby. I dont know what I would do if I was in her shoes. That is my worst ever fear.

to the drunk drivers. Bless the baby.
Thanks. Yeah, It was hard enough just to watch my friend going through that. I kept thinking what it would be like to be in her shoes. Of course, When I ponder about that, it is not the same thing as of having the actual experience.
Just came across this here thread. Glad your ok. I always find now since having SEVERAL accidents that were not even my fault! that I am becoming a very careful driver. My husband is like Kim? you gonna go? lol.
Is it just me or are these drivers getting worse and more unattentful when driving?
I have been rearended 3 times with the last three years! I have also had both of our cars torn up within 4 days of owning them due to a drunk driver. Our cars were parked when that happened. And I have had one head on low speed collision, because the other driver was supposed to turn into Wal-Mart and I turned to follow him in and at the last moment pulled his steering wheel my way hard so as not to go into Walmart hitting my car. He got the ticket but still...
You really really have to be extra careful when driving now a days. Im starting to believe these drivers graduated from Stevie Wonder's driving school!
OB7 glad you are ok too hon. Unfortunately there is a high number of blow outs among truck drivers simply because they use RETREADS and not new tires. They do this to save costs, but it also causes hundreds of accidents.
So whenever someone is out there please remember it's not you that you gotta watch out for it is the other drivers.
Thanks, Bear. I agree. It's not at times when everything is in harmony when you drive. There's bound to be mishaps along the road but you nailed it - It's not you that you have to watch out but for other drivers. Speaking of those accidents you had in the past few years, I'm glad you are still alive and around as well.
You were asking if it is just you or have those drivers got any worse or became inattentive? I'd have to say - Unfortunately, It bites but yes. There's a lot more drivers out there with cell phones, pagers, and all other different electronic devices that are hand-held. And with that, I have noticed the drivers out there are becoming lax when it comes to uphold the traffic laws. Sure, there are hundreds of traffic laws but many of them, unfortunately are not enforced as it should be.
Oh, wow ! That was really a close call ! I am glad ur still alive and tell this story with us.
Aww I can see your man worried over ya, Jolie ~
So such a sweet gentleman ! :P
Ha Ha, Yeah, He is the best thing that has happened to me.
Ive had a lot of close calls lately in town. Drivers about to make a turn as I pass by so close I could have been hit. It pisses me off esp drivers on cellphones not paying damn attention to what going on. I get pretty nervous when I see other drivers about to enter the road I am on from the driveways since my last wreck 15 years ago. (T-boned a car turning left to enter the road)
Jolie good to know u doing okay. Hope u be pretty careful next time.
Gee, being t-boned is not fun. I agree, I hate it when these drivers are on the cell phones. I've had my share of being rear ended by a driver who was on the cell phone. Thank god it was a minor accident. It was during the rush hour and of course, the traffic was jammed up from bumper to bumper in Louisville. I was on my way to work on that morning. The traffic was moving very slow at least around 10-20 mph, stopping on and off. To make it worse, I was 9 months pregnant at that time. When the driver rear-ended me, He immediately came out and made sure I was ok. The only damage to the car was the bumper. But yet, It made me so infuriated because if the traffic was moving at a higher speed, it could have been a lot worse. Man, my neck was sore for the rest of the day.
Speaking of entering the traffic, I usually am alert when I enter the traffic either when I turn left or right. The only thing I hate is when I have to merge with other vehicles on the interstate, especially when the traffic is already moving at a higher speed.
Yes there is a point for that.. I have to wonder why do drivers have to do text messaging or being on the cell phones while driving?? that is dangerous as it could cause careless accidents or even deaths if not paying attention to where the drivers are driving and etc.. I wonder if there are laws that outlaws that kind of thing going on?
Yes, It is dangerous for obvious reasons as you know. There are several cities across the USA has already passed a cell phone ban for those drivers. I think it's a good thing but, just how well it can be enforced? There are thousands and thousands of drivers who has pagers, cell phones and different kinds of mobile devices. So, It'll be pretty hard to catch them at all times.
I googled it up and found a link that shows which countries bans the use of cell phones while driving. On the bottom of that website shows which state in USA bans cell phone use while driving. Here it is -
List of countries that ban cellphone use while driving