83 restaurant free food challenges all over U.S.

If I fail then pay a lot of it. Forget it lol

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That link made me go out and get pizza for lunch! Not a 28 inch one with four pounds of cheese and 20 toppings, though.
Ooof (need to find the 'thud' smiley lol)

Seems really less than 88 listed because at least two were repeated 2 or 3 times. I thought it was 83 unique restaurants but it is less because the hot dog challenge one is from the same place- just in 3 different states.

And I thought the big ass platter of ribs, chicken and...something else at Sonny's BBQ 10 years ago was huge. *burp* :barf: Never been back there since- that's what made my gall bladder go into an acute attack/infection.
I didn't get hungry looking at the pictures. Made me feel nauseous actually. I eat very, very little, like a bird. I can't imagine someone finishing those burgers. One burger could feed a family of 8.
Now with a free side order of heart disease and diabetes, I think i will pass on these challenges
OMG. That is just a recipe for an unpleasant trip to the toilet lol