Gives me the heebie jeebies to be honest with you. Can't wait till I get home from work!
And last year we had 7-07-07, and next year we will have 9-09-09. Funny how that works.
I'm looking foward on 11.11.11
The only last fully same digital number we live to see.
Well I cant wait til 13-13-13, because it just sounds cool.
For now though I will be more than sufficed to enjoy my 08-08-08. werd!
I never knew month is 13th already.
I'm certainly, someday, there is insane engineer gonna make Earth pull far away from Sun, and the orbit give extra a month change. Then ta-da, we would have new month add called Power-ember! And we shall have new celebrate day called Power Day! That when we can control the woman for one-day. "Gimme me a delight soup, babe!"
What's happen if engineer accident pull from north pole location to equator. End up, Earth become waterworld like movie.