7 year-old on speed chase,why? Didn't want to go to church.

Kid has some serious skills. I am pretty sure that he has driven or played GTA before... He even put the car in park at the very end.
That kid played video games. Obvious answer.

He prolly played Grand Theft Auto.



I was thinking more on the line the video game "Need for speed".


Either one, I am shocked that he knew to put the car in park. Before he bailed out!
I bet he got the spanking of his life when he got home and cops were in the yard.

If mine did that, oh Lord they thought Satan was bad! Momma gonna come off her rocker! She'd get the spanking/grounding of her life and she could forget about driving until she was old enough to move out! When her friends ask her why she isn't getting a license she'd have to tell them "I stole momma's car when I was 7."
ha ha First of all, he's so lucky one that he didn't get car accident. i think he drove pretty well. I get a feeling that he was taught how to drive. so he's such a cutie!! hope he didn't get in trouble. thats how he feels about not wanting to go to the churhc. =?
I don't blame the little boy...church sucks...all the preacher ever does is make you feel bad about yourself and make you hate yourself. The little boy probably got tired of hating himself every single Sunday so he took the car and went home.
wow I'm amazed how good that boy drove the car... he even parked the car! Amazing!
Ok good thing there was no accident. Amazing that he can drive. My son have drove my truck only on my property. I wouldnt let him drive out of my property. The only time I let him drive is to move my truck up and down my driveway so I can work on my yard.