[he] had five prior burglary charges, an arson charge and a rap sheet that stretched from 1983 to 2013….
An Habitia ffender...at 56, don't see a chance in hell for him to change...hence 3 strikes and ur out...Taking the chance that he did when he went to Court?....his own fault....A Rap Sheet for over 20 years?....And an Arsonist?.....Exactly WHERE do we draw the Line?
A smack on the hand and say..."Well, he's just a good ol' boy"....He's not, he's a Criminal...and would repeat and repeat if he had the chance...
The City of Sumter, SC can rest a little better now...knowing he can't burn down any businesses or homes...or do any more Burglary runs....
As for other people getting less time?...Im not the Law...were they an Habital Offender?
So put that in ur Pipe and smoke it!....Not my fault...it all falls on HIM...
You draw the line using common sense, but unfortunately common sense and the US legal system don't go together. The guy might of been a habitual criminal, but none of his crimes seemed to be violent, so throw the book at him in regards to community service such as give him 2,000 hours, where you have him cleaning up the town/city, repainting public buildings, etc. where you are actually getting something from him and not paying to put him up for the next 20-30+ years. By sending him to prison for life it's going to cost the state more than $100,000 per year to keep him in prison cell and if he lives another 30 years the state will be out millions for his care and lodging. Prison is for violent criminals not petty ones.