$500,000 offered to buy AllDeaf.com

I don't know if it's just the Domain name they are seeking. You can do a search on what domain names are going for and most deaf related domains are under 5 grand. 500,000.00 is quite a bit to pay for just the domain name. It would be interesting to know what their plans for the site are and if they agree to keep it going, that should be in the contract somewhere. Otherwise they can just say they wil and then kill it or revamp it at their whim. If I were you Alex, I would take the money and run. You can always start another site like this one and let us know where it's at. I'm quite sure most of us would go there. You could also negotiate the content in the deal so you can move it to the new site if you decide to go that route.

*pssst* sumth'n you missing out...
recommend you.. re-read it.. :giggle:
I don't know if it's just the Domain name they are seeking. You can do a search on what domain names are going for and most deaf related domains are under 5 grand. 500,000.00 is quite a bit to pay for just the domain name. It would be interesting to know what their plans for the site are and if they agree to keep it going, that should be in the contract somewhere. Otherwise they can just say they wil and then kill it or revamp it at their whim. If I were you Alex, I would take the money and run. You can always start another site like this one and let us know where it's at. I'm quite sure most of us would go there. You could also negotiate the content in the deal so you can move it to the new site if you decide to go that route.

:Tapping your shoulders and whispering "it's April Fool's Day joke" : :giggle:
I don't know if it's just the Domain name they are seeking. You can do a search on what domain names are going for and most deaf related domains are under 5 grand. 500,000.00 is quite a bit to pay for just the domain name. It would be interesting to know what their plans for the site are and if they agree to keep it going, that should be in the contract somewhere. Otherwise they can just say they wil and then kill it or revamp it at their whim. If I were you Alex, I would take the money and run. You can always start another site like this one and let us know where it's at. I'm quite sure most of us would go there. You could also negotiate the content in the deal so you can move it to the new site if you decide to go that route.

re-read up there :lol: lol it is april fool's day lol :lol:
:giggle: .. but you sure made me laugh through, thanks for that
You're welcome hun... I love to make people laugh.. Life is to short to not laugh and laughter is good for the soul. I am glad to bring some laughter into your life even if it's at my own expense... LOL..
At first I thought it was legit, but waded through the pages to find out it was all an April Fool's Joke. Hahaha. Another forum I post on had the "Delete" button up and people were madly deleting bad and old posts. Twas a joke too on April 1.
umm alex, do u want hearing ppl to prove u that they can control deaf community or u want to prove them that u can be deaf main moderator to control this deaf community? F.Y.I if they are controlling this place.. ill leave because i dont like hearing ppl as much i suppose to like them because i grew up with horrible hearing ppl treat me bad way..

I go for "no" to them.. plz alex..

if u get that half of million dollars from them.. im not mad.. ill find another forum and gone for good..

remeber, u might lose some ppl in this forum.. such as myself..

HEY I'M HEARING!!!! LOL i know what you mean though.
I find April Fools Day to be stupid.

Also, it's just stupid that you drew it out OFF of April 1st... April Fools day only belongs on April 1st.

April fools is always fun. And some pranks have to be set up prior to the actual day, the reveal is on April 1st. Besides if he did it on April 1st it would be obvious that it was a prank.....
hhmmm i see some posts and would like some opinion. People said they are scared hearing would come in and try to control you.... Not all hearies are bad. What if a hearie like me started a site would you all just boycott it because i am hearing?
I do not think it is good idea about offering to you, ALex is because if they do offer you then you take money from them. They take handling over Alldeaf then it will NEVER be like this in the beginning you created Alldeaf. You will feel it is gone and will not feel the same as you are now. Please think about not taking an offering. You have your own business and create your creating on Alldeaf. Do not let anyone take over you and change everything in your life!

I'll give you $500,00 in monopoly money if you give AllDeaf to me. :fingersx:

P.S. I know this is an April Fool's day prank. :fart:
Whew!! You had us going for a while there, Alex. It sure would be nice to have that much money. Think of how many guitars you can get for that amount and that would cover the start-up costs of a super all-deaf band. Oh well, one can dream, huh??
Ok, I know I am a bit late to this I have just been really really busy with school I have a hard time keeping up with everything I have to say tho selling for only $500,000 is not a good idea. it is not a lot espeshily for a good domain name like alldeaf.com , I saw that it was mentioned that it was a relay service that wanted to buy up the site- I would never believe a relay company would want to run a forums system- I just can't see that happing.
I know that this site can be expensive to run but I do my part by clicking the google adds and I did order some batteries from micro to help the site.
I see alldeaf as a comunity and I have seen sites sold and they just die after words , I do not want to see that happen to alldeaf.
Ok, I know I am a bit late to this I have just been really really busy with school I have a hard time keeping up with everything I have to say tho selling for only $500,000 is not a good idea. it is not a lot espeshily for a good domain name like alldeaf.com , I saw that it was mentioned that it was a relay service that wanted to buy up the site- I would never believe a relay company would want to run a forums system- I just can't see that happing.
I know that this site can be expensive to run but I do my part by clicking the google adds and I did order some batteries from micro to help the site.
I see alldeaf as a comunity and I have seen sites sold and they just die after words , I do not want to see that happen to alldeaf.

Ummm it is april fool's day that Alex fool us :giggle:
but the first post was a wee bit early for that I guess this should be locked then..

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