5 Things you can't live without?

Wow alot of u can live without jobs!

Me, I can't image without my current job! My company been treating me well and fair than ANY other companies that I worked in the past.

motorized vehicles

The rest will follow so I ain't worry!

I can live without my job if I got free money! :lol:
1. my Hudson the dog
2. Internet
3. True buddies
4. Sleeping
5. My own sanity!
Here's my list:

1. Caffeine
2. Books
3. Internet
4. Family
5. Ben & Jerry ice cream. I limit myself to the one dollar one once a week.
1. oxygen
2. nutrients
3. the toilet
4. love (sex!)
5. shelter

Next Question... :roll:
God's grace covers it all for me. Without it, nothing else on a list is important. With it, my list is complete. If I'm lacking anything, His grace will provide for me. :)

Wow I was thinking my son, my husband, God... but what do I need except Him? you totally convicted me. But thats good thanks... this world and even the people in it are passing, but God's grace is new every morning. And without it nothing matters... even things that seem sooo important, and are, but next to God... all is loss:hmm:
1. Family
2. Dogs
3. Fun printed shirts
4. Internet
5. Data only phone
Wow I was thinking my son, my husband, God... but what do I need except Him? you totally convicted me. But thats good thanks... this world and even the people in it are passing, but God's grace is new every morning. And without it nothing matters... even things that seem sooo important, and are, but next to God... all is loss:hmm:
True. Everything is temporary except God and His grace. :)
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1. Coffeeeeeeeeeee!!! 8D

2. Writing (drawing sometimes)

3. Comic books

4. Family & friends

5. Faith/Him

EDIT: Never mind. I now know two more things to add. =)
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apparently I cannot live without alldeaf.com as well. we are having a thunderstorm here so im browsing and posting using my mobile instead of the computer. i am such a loser. :lol: