3 Gynecologists Fined for Disinfecting Equipment in Dishwasher


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Cleaning medical instruments in dishwashers is common medical practice, but the Virginia Board of Medicine just took issue with it

Last week, three gynecologists from LewisGale Physicians in Salem, Va. were fined $1,000 each by the Virginia Board of Medicine for using a consumer dishwasher to clean medical instruments.

LewisGale released a statement defending the three gynecologists, claiming that the “physicians felt they were in compliance since they were using a generally accepted practice recommended by their medical residency program and by other medical school experts for disinfecting medical instruments.” It's worth noting that the dishwasher was used only after the instruments were scrubbed and sprayed with medical-grade disinfectant.

It’s not uncommon for medical professionals to sanitize their equipment in dishwashers. In fact, most dishwashers are able to reach a high enough temperature to completely sanitize instruments. Not surprisingly, though, some folks find this practice… discomforting, including the Virginia Board of Medicine.

A study by the Institute of Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology found that temperatures of 160 degrees Fahrenheit are adequate for disinfecting medical equipment, and most dishwashers are capable of reaching this temperature. We aren't experts, but we've tested a number of models that are capable of hitting that critical threshold. Of course, if you’re cleaning medical equipment, we'd hope that your process involves several stages of disinfection.

3 Gynecologists Fined for Disinfecting Equipment in Dishwasher - DishwashersInfo.com
That is shocking.....I thought the only item gynecologists used were their fingers????????
Is that what those stains on my pillowcase are? Pap smears? Whew...I thought those were just plain ole' skid marks....
And this is why I will only go to a GYN that uses plastic pap supplies that hasn't been opened from their packages. Just the idea of sharing one of those thingies with a stranger who might or might not of been dirty down south is just grossing me out.

I get some people are trying to save money but what is WRONG with buying disposable equipment? it makes the patient feel safe too.
Is that what those stains on my pillowcase are? Pap smears? Whew...I thought those were just plain ole' skid marks....

Skid marks on your PILLOW? How exactly do you sleep? Or .. oh, nevermind ...
so...next time you go to the VD clinic (now called STI clinic) check what's the brand of dishwasher they're using and where it is... if its a known household brand then run, and run far away
Thought they uses Ultrasonic medical devices cleaner. It's a tub with ultrasonic device that cycles 20-40khz to deeply clean medical devices with solvent. It kills germs and bacteria. Also cleans out bloods ect deep into equipment. It's typically used at Hospitals and Clinics.

Dishwasher?? Errk!! Can't they think that Dishwasher do have filter that get clogged with gross stuff and continue to use it and spread over..
