3 guys caught kevbo....

Originally posted by kevbo
When I was doing my busniess and someone shaked my seat and I was like "Oh fuck I got busted for the first time!" I thought it was my uncle because his room is next to my room but turned out it was JRE! When I got a look at him, he was laughing his ass off and fell on floor. I was like fuck fuck I pulled my pants back on and ask JRE how the fuck did you get in here because I locked my door. Then I turned and saw my other friend came out of my fuckin window. I was like OH shit I got more people busted me! My friends wouldn't stop laughing their ass off then I realized that they were drunk. William (wheel-man) was actually happy that I was busted because my friends and I always make fun of him because of what happened at camp when we were young. My friends and I busted him masturbating and he keep doing it. Now that I recently got caught, he is going make fun of me. :squint: It was a good experience. :mrgreen:

:rofl: :rofl: exactle :D ohh man i laughed my ass off it was so funny but damn we didnt bring pix camera or video camera but it fun :cool:
Were you actually trying to "rescue" him from his plight? Since you had to get through the window.... :smoking:
:laugh2: ms giglz!!

kevbo, it's really awesome that you are open about sharing your... your... experience. i think it's quite common more than we would care to admit.

moral of this thread: make sure your door is locked. :o

:shock: at the public masturbators...
Originally posted by Liza

moral of this thread: make sure your door is locked. :o

Oh, you mean:

make sure your window is locked and curtains/blinds closed! ??
:laugh2: Sorry...can't help to find this hilarious...I find this amazing because since deaf world is small, they'd be close minded when come to this, gossiping/backstabbing, and etc...Not lot of deafies out there who are open minded...Im impressed that Kevbo is open minded, admitted it was true, and wasn't ashamed of it at all. :D
Originally posted by Deaf258
Oh, you mean:

make sure your window is locked and curtains/blinds closed! ??

Oh yes that too! Thanks, you're a lifesaver -- I almost left those open :o
This does remind me of the times my (huge) windows would be open, and I got busted twice for walking around in my own apt naked.
Originally posted by Wheel-Man
yes we're sure.. we saw it but i guess he wasnt finsh yet poor him.. lol
You saw my penis? Damn yoU!
:rofl: at Kevbo's show the guys caught. Bravo to Kevbo for fearless admit.
:rofl: :laugh2: :rofl: :laugh2:

Everyone at work is looking at me strange, wonder why I am laughing so damn hard. OMFG OMFG