3 Degrees of Jackassery....


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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First degree jackass.
Asinine, selfish, juvenile behavior. Irresponsible, careless, obnoxious. Examples include urinating on a toilet seat without any attempt to lift the seat or clean up after themselves. Leaving grocery carts in parking spaces, rather than walk eighteen feet to put it away. Even though they just spent an hour walking around with it, the extra ten seconds of effort is just too much drain on their dwindling energy. Dresses and acts in various ways to intentionally annoy most of humanity. Insists on driving at least ten miles over the speed limit, even in school zones and residential areas. Believes replacing a roll of toilet paper will cause brain damage. Incapable of simple domestic tasks.

Second degree jackass.
Tends to exhibit many of the same traits as a first degree jackass, also adds another dimension. The second degree is less about mindless jackassery, like the first degree jerks. The second degree is more likely to be aware of their own attitude and arrogance, while seemingly incapable of correcting the condition. The second degree jackass was historically known as the guy with a chip on his shoulder. Waiting for opportunities to prove themselves superior to the simple first degree losers. Every confrontation, challenge or complex situation is generally met with an irrational response. Examples include smashing cell phones, running to the car and burning out of the driveway after any argument they didn’t win, punching holes in walls, using intimidation to convince a wife that they are superior.
The second degree jackass is typically more confrontational than the irritating first degree jackass. He will generally embody between ten to fifteen of the 21 forms of abuse within marriage. Maybe more, maybe less.

Third degree jackass.
Almost compete disregard for any human need or desire, except their own. Maintains relationships primarily for their own personal benefit. Absolutely abusive to most people closest to them. Regards other men as superior to any woman, including his own wife. Most likely guilty of fifteen or more forms of abuse within his marriage. Arrogance on an epic level. The third degree jackass is generally considered beyond counseling or recovery.

met second class jackass today...he let his two dogs shit outside a shop the owner of shop ask nicely him clear it up he told her f **k off
so many jackass's in this world
I encountered a 1st degree jackass last night. I was at a store, and she had a kid and proceeded to go with her cart into the ONLY accessible fitting room there was and took forever showing her friend what she looked like in what she tried on.

I can understand shopping is more difficult with kids, but do moms HAVE to use the accessible space just so they don't have to remove their child from the cart and leave their cart outside the door for two minutes??

Drives me crazy!!!
Bittersweetshimmer... If that ever happens again, you should be able to notify the sales associate and let them know. I believe that any place that is wheel chair or handicapped accessible should be meant for those that actually need them. Even though it might take a minute to flag someone down I honestly believe that people in general need to be aware and take into consideration of the people around them and their surroundings. Large stalls are meant for those that need them. They aren't supposed to be a convenience for the general public. That's kinda like an impatient man parking his car in the handicap stall cuz he's late for work. I don't know where people get off thinking they have a sense of entitlement. I'm sorry. But yeah if I were you, I would tattle. Lol. But that's just me.
my local chemist lost my prescription I think that 1st jackass, it really pissed me off I got drag my sorry arse out sort this mess out by then it be in the 3rd degree