2nd chance

2nd chance?

  • Yes, we all make mistake

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • No, that person should be punish forever, for the rest of life

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Depend

    Votes: 15 75.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Sep 5, 2005
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Do you believe people deserve 2nd chance?

If a person did a serious crime, only one time,
because of trauma past....
The court Judge send that person back on the street.
The person never violate their probation or parole.
Work hard, seek counseling, improving self, and all.
And then 10 years later,

Should that person earned back full citizenship..?
To be able to vote and all.

Do you guys agree with Winona Ryder's Judge
who gave her back full citizenship?
I voted depend. It depends if the person cooperates with the law and behave. It's up to the person to learn his/her mistake to keep him/her slate clean to start a new life ( full citizenship ) -- or throw himself/herself back in jail. There's no picnic in jail.
one person voted no...

If no 2nd chance is given, that person will feel
like the world is so terrible, and will become a career
criminal. And that would mean USA will have many
career criminals and USA will be 100% unsafe place
to live.
I voted depends, because it depend on what crime did a person committed. If it's a minor crime, Yes, they do deserved to get a second chance. if it's a huge crime, No, they belong in prison with no second chance. ;)
Charles S. Dutton an rich successful actor was a murderer.
50 cent, rich successful rapper, he was a criminal, shooting at people.

There are million of people with criminal record and are given
2nd chance. I think Americans are so compassionate.
It's depends on what crime the person commit in the first place....

And there some that are still in prison, should not get a second chance....IMO
I think that it depends on what happened in the first place.
I vote "depend" really depend on what crime... if serious crime will be in prison for lifetime with no parole ;)
I voted depends - it depends on the severity of the crime and whether the person who committed the crime is truly remorseful about having done the wrong thing. High probability of not committing the crime again in the future. In some cases, like kidnapping and murder of Polly Klaas back in '93 - or Adam Walsh (9 year old boy who was beheaded after being abducted)...those criminals who committed the murders will/were given the death penalty due to the severity of the crime.
It depends.

but if someone ever hits you in the face, that person is most likely to do it again so I wouldn't give him a second chance.
I guess it just really depends on the circumstances wether or not someone should get a second chance.
So murderers shouldn't get 2nd chance?

But other criminals should get 2nd chance
Thieves, Drunk drivers, Arsonists, Child Molesters, Trespassers or other etc....?
If you're first time criminal... Judge will condsier giving you chance warning.. If 2nd strike.. Last warning for 2nd chance... become again 3rd strikes.. Will not giving you 3rd chance.. you made choice become into criminal.. Sorry!

Likely: Murder/Rape or else... Judge will not giving you true color for willing chance.. No way.. Send you away into the prision.. Depend how long takes on the sentence.

As for me.. I'll be same shoes as Judge's opnion.. How much values safety for everyone feels.

Drunk Drivers: Should know better than that.. but can 2nd chance but cannot have drive license for a year.. 1st offense.. When Drive license returns must take road test again if pass the road test and will probation for 1 year.. if you're driving good record.. that means 1st chance.. That great warning! If strike 2nd chance.. hard to condiser willing giving you chance...
Drunk Drivers hit by person real prounced Dead.. Sorry, you're no longer drivers and belongs to prision for sentence depend how long takes.

That big different issues of different subject of crimes.

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