I had the hardest time trying to buy shoes and belt that weren't made of leather . People weren't really into animals cruelty in the late 60's and
70's . A niece of mine became a vegetarian too and she wanted to go to a protect march against animals cruelty that was in Washington DC and couldn't get anyone to go with her so I did . This was in 1990 and when I got back home and brought the Boston Globe newspaper I was expecting to something on the front page b/c this was huge march and on TV too. There a very small article inside the newspaper about the march . I found out that Gillette paid a lot $$$ to Boston Globe to have their ads in the paper and
Gillette test on animals and Peta been after them to stop . So the Globe didn't want to 'bite the hand that fed them and pretty much kept quiet about the march . I called
The Globe I would no being buying their paper anymore and this was in 1990 and I still hadn't brought a Globe in all these years .