2011 taxes

Tax is my worst enemy, because last year I filed out the tax form and got NO refund because they said someone use my SSN and my name as their dependant, and I realized that I am victim of identity theft. The IRS told me to make report to local Police Dept, and three credit reports, and they found nothing such as no one use my SSN, and I am not victim of identity theft. I do really want to know who use my SSN and claim me as dependant, IRS won't tell me anything about who, when someone identity theft me. I am stuck in the middle. Any ideas to solve this problem?

if someone DID try to claim dependant on thier taxees, you should be able to request copy of that filed tax return and find the SS number who tried to claim you and back track from there. THEN you can go to police. Beforee they didnt do anything since they have no hard copy of SS #. How old are you now? in college?
if someone DID try to claim dependant on thier taxees, you should be able to request copy of that filed tax return and find the SS number who tried to claim you and back track from there. THEN you can go to police. Beforee they didnt do anything since they have no hard copy of SS #. How old are you now? in college?

I have tried to ask them to give me a copy of that filed tax return, and they refused to due to invading their privacy. Been working full-time for 5 years, and I'm not in college. The tax service kept asking me if I know anyone who filed out my SS#, and I have absolutely no idea. All of my family, relatives does not live in America.
I have tried to ask them to give me a copy of that filed tax return, and they refused to due to invading their privacy. Been working full-time for 5 years, and I'm not in college. The tax service kept asking me if I know anyone who filed out my SS#, and I have absolutely no idea. All of my family, relatives does not live in America.

okay- As far I understand it, you need to file a paper claim instead of electronic. you also need to include a letter explaining there are 2 SS being used. ONLY the IRS get to determine the claim for dependent. You need to respond to any and all correspondence from IRS. Once th IRS is satisfied with your answers, they will fix your return, red flag the other person who tried to claim you for 10 years.
At this point, it looks like its best for you to contact a tax attorney/lawyer to expedite this. You are right, IRS can't give you their info as its private, I'm sorry for erroneous info.