20 worst neighborhoods

And we're sending billions of $$$ to other countries while our cities and schools are falling apart...
Come on down to J'ville...lots of neighborhoods with bars on the windows/doors...people never go out after 6pm....gun shots nightly...oh well!....But not in my neighborhood as of yet.
Surprised? No, not for me. For 30 years Chicago was the only city that outlaws handguns within city itself (In other word, the city with most restricted gun control). They violated 2A, supreme court ordered them to remove that law, that was last year.

It will take a decade or two to notice the difference once they respect 2A.

The 20 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in America - Likes

A lot of them are in Chicago. What a surprise!!
#17 and #3 were areas I had to work in with the government. We worked the entire St. Louis area, but were more so in the higher crime ridden areas because of needed help and assistance in those low class areas. I Hated my job ! Hated it Hated it Hated It !!!!!!
#17 and #3 were areas I had to work in with the government. We worked the entire St. Louis area, but were more so in the higher crime ridden areas because of needed help and assistance in those low class areas. I Hated my job ! Hated it Hated it Hated It !!!!!!

When I worked as a health aide I had to work in a real tough part of a city and any health aides that worked there was given a whistle to wear to have encase we needs help . I did not like that part of my job, and we did not get more money to risk our lives.
Surprised? No, not for me. For 30 years Chicago was the only city that outlaws handguns within city itself (In other word, the city with most restricted gun control). They violated 2A, supreme court ordered them to remove that law, that was last year.

It will take a decade or two to notice the difference once they respect 2A.

That's not major reason about why neighborhood in Chicago went down. The neighborhood went down for very long time before Chicago banned on handgun due to high crime in 1970's as attempted to fix the crime problem (failed). The socioeconomic is reason about neighborhood went down - poor education, white flight, blockbusting, lack of job opportunities, decline of manufacturing jobs and high minorities (Black/Latino).

Blockbusting is one of major reason - the real estate agent used tactic to scare white families away (allow them to sell the house at lower price) so agent can sell the house at higher price to black families. That leading to convert from white neighborhood into black neighborhood, so eventually it became ghetto after home value got destroyed.
Blockbusting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The school in ghetto area is bad too - that how kids can't get a good education and they become criminal or drug addict. Job loss is problematic due to decline of manufacturing jobs so left poor people unable to find a job, so they go break the law.

In states with less gun restriction, Houston, Memphis, Atlanta, Miami, New Orleans, Dallas, Birmingham, Greenville, Indianapolis, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, others have bad area like you see in picture. That why I don't see abuse the 2nd Amendment cause area go bad since it have many reason like list above.
Lets put this in clear perspective. The intention of 2nd amendment as written, it even mention to keep state under control as reason for the right to bear arms for Free man.

Of course, guns itself will not wipe out the crime, or primary cause of crime, there are many other crimes that don't involve guns. The guns itself is just another tool to protect the free man from life threats, and government tyranny.

Kill 2A will increase crime rate for sure because criminals mind would think, everybody don't have gun, I don't give a **** cause I won't be shot while committing crime including murder. As opposed as if guns were easily purchase with reasonable control, like in Vermont where you can buy any kinds of gun outright. It gets criminal mind into thinking "What are the chances I will get shot? Should I take that risk, and so on. Usually they will think harder before committing crime.
Lets put this in clear perspective. The intention of 2nd amendment as written, it even mention to keep state under control as reason for the right to bear arms for Free man.

Of course, guns itself will not wipe out the crime, or primary cause of crime, there are many other crimes that don't involve guns. The guns itself is just another tool to protect the free man from life threats, and government tyranny.

Kill 2A will increase crime rate for sure because criminals mind would think, everybody don't have gun, I don't give a **** cause I won't be shot while committing crime including murder. As opposed as if guns were easily purchase with reasonable control, like in Vermont where you can buy any kinds of gun outright. It gets criminal mind into thinking "What are the chances I will get shot? Should I take that risk, and so on. Usually they will think harder before committing crime.

Louisiana has less gun restriction - why crime rate is high in New Orleans?

California has strict gun restriction - why crime rate is low in San Diego?

Oh yes, like you said the guns itself will not wipe the crime out.
The ranking of most dangerous neighborhoods isn't in order. Seems most of them are in East coast and Midwest. One of the neighborhood in Oakland, CA and in several neighborhoods in Stockton is pretty bad.
The ranking of most dangerous neighborhoods isn't in order. Seems most of them are in East coast and Midwest. One of the neighborhood in Oakland, CA and in several neighborhoods in Stockton is pretty bad.

Yes, same with LA - Watts, Compton, South Central and East LA.
Want live in crime free areas? Simple, move to secluded properties in middle of nowhere.

For example, uncharted properties up in Northmost of Maine. Who wants to go there to commit crimes?
Want live in crime free areas? Simple, move to secluded properties in middle of nowhere.

For example, uncharted properties up in Northmost of Maine. Who wants to go there to commit crimes?

It is probably great for you but sucks for me due to usher syndrome (no public transportation).

What about Tokyo and Hong Kong? The crime is extremely low.
Too crowdy, and less privacy... No thanks!

Im kind of guy who want to live in where it is almost impossible to peek at neighbor. Minimum distance is where you use binocular and hardly notice much. And enjoy stargazing, you can see more stars in extremely isolated properties.

What about Tokyo and Hong Kong? The crime is extremely low.
Too crowdy, and less privacy... No thanks!

Im kind of guy who want to live in where it is almost impossible to peek at neighbor. Minimum distance is where you use binocular and hardly notice much. And enjoy stargazing, you can see more stars in extremely isolated properties.

In bold - that's true, also they have really strict gun control law - too hard to get license (already meet CP Standard).

For me, I don't care (in Japan and Hong Kong) but it is bad for gun lovers.
GRRRR..Baltimore made the list. I am glad my neighborhood is far away from that one but then again Baltimore isn't a big city. Like I said in another thread...it is a shame that there are so many people who engage in criminal behavior and hurt their own communities.