20-10 or 2,010???


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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Will next year be "twenty-ten" or "2-thousand and ten"? :hmm:
:hmm: I prefer to say 2-thousand-ten
Going to follow this movie..I am gonna say 2010


*movie poster of the 1984 movie, "2010 The Year we Made Contact". with a picture of a newborn baby with eyes wide open floating in space and Jupiter or Mars on the upper part of the poster. *
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During the 20th century, we said, nineteen-o-one thru nineteen-o-nine, then nineteen-ten thru nineteen-99. But we didn't start the 21st century with twenty-o-one; we used two-thousand and one.

In the past, we said, "18-hundred, 19-hundred, 2-thousand (not twenty-hundred).

Confusing? :lol:
During the 20th century, we said, nineteen-o-one thru nineteen-o-nine, then nineteen-ten thru nineteen-99. But we didn't start the 21st century with twenty-o-one; we used two-thousand and one.

In the past, we said, "18-hundred, 19-hundred, 2-thousand (not twenty-hundred).

Confusing? :lol:

It is funny that is being brought up because I had a math lesson teaching my students how to say and write large numbers in different ways.

For example, "two thousand one hundred" and then I would teach them to say and write "twenty-one hundred."

It was confusing for my students at first with both ASL andEnglish but they got it after a week of practice. LOL!
During the 20th century, we said, nineteen-o-one thru nineteen-o-nine, then nineteen-ten thru nineteen-99. But we didn't start the 21st century with twenty-o-one; we used two-thousand and one.

In the past, we said, "18-hundred, 19-hundred, 2-thousand (not twenty-hundred).

Confusing? :lol:

It can be very confusing trying to say the right numbers for each year. Here in Canada, we say two thousands nine and next year it will be two thousands ten. :cool2:

In the bold, that is exactly what we say in the United States (I was born and raised in USA) and probably here in Canada too. :dunno: I guess it must be easier now to say two thousands instead of 20 hundred or 20-10. It is really up to anyone who are comfortable what they want to say in the year numbers. :hmm:
Now, part two of the question.

How do you all sign the year 2010?
ha ha that's an awesome question. I know I will use both, depending on my mood. lol
Just like I did with the 1900s...

"Twenty" then "ten."

"Two" "thousand" "ten" or "eleven" and so on just seem .... counter-productive.